Ch 74: With Death Comes New Life

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Sirius didn't leave Morrigan's side, even as the others filtered out of the hospital wing finding accomodation for the coming days, he remained in place barely moving. In his opinion Morrigan had been asleep for far too long, her hand still carefully tucked in his as he watched over her. He was so lost in thought that he didn't hear someone sit down next to him. 

"Have some dinner Black," McGonagall said handing him a plate. 

He took it with his free hand placing it on the small bedside table, using a fork in an ungraceful manner to cut his food so he wouldn't have to let go of Morrigan. "It's good to see you Minnie," he finally said. 

"You too Black," she replied her voice tired and strained. 

"What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be preparing for... well everything?" Sirius asked looking over at his former head of house. 

McGonagall didn't move, her eyes fixed on the girl asleep in the bed. "I suppose I needed a bit of hope Black." 

"So you came to the hospital wing? Do I need to call Madam Pomfrey?" Sirius asked in a half joking manner. 

She didn't smirk. Instead she sighed, "That won't be necessary. How is she doing?" 

Sirius pressed his lips into a thin line, "Pomfrey says she's fine, that she just needs to sleep it off. But I can't help but worry about her." 

"Rumor has it that she is no longer with MacDonald, mind telling me how that happened?" 

Sirius raised a brow a half smile on his lips, "Didn't take you for a gossip Minnie." 

"It's a nice distraction," she replied her expression remaining neutral. 

"Well since it's you," Sirius quipped, "he left her for another woman. Took her to the side one day and said he was selling the pub and leaving her. He only followed through with one of those things though. To make a long story short, she nearly had to sue him to be able to sell the pub, he had run off to Germany to be with someone else. Leaving her behind to fend for herself. Morrigan allowed Remus and I to join her while she met with Owen to complete the process of signing over the right to sell. Owen brought his new girlfriend and Morrigan-" Sirius swallowed the lump in his throat, "Morrigan with all the compassion in her heart, had to talk her through magic, showed the girl nothing but kindness and respect as they chatted." 

"That does sound like her," McGonagall mused her lips curling up ever so slightly. 

"Owen told Remus and I that he had to leave her, that she would have been miserable if he stayed. I don't believe it for a second. He was amazing to her, always taking care of her, putting her first through everything. He confessed that he was in love with her and left. He said that she was infatuated with me, that she lit up when she talked about me and he didn't want her to regret having a life with him, when she could have had a life with me. He refused to tell her the truth of why he left though, just saying that she didn't love him enough, that he loved another woman more." 

McGonagall nodded, "You lost yourself for a bit Black, blinded by idiotic jealousy and trust issues. But I'm glad that you've found a better path." 

Sirius tried to figure out what she meant, but his mind couldn't pick one out of many possibilities, "What do you mean?" 

"We were all quite upset when you left her. However, knowing that you did so to save Harry from a duel he most definitely wouldn't have survived put things into perspective for many of us. You hold onto so much pain from your past Black. Trust her, Morrigan Hale is the one person who wouldn't betray you." 

Grasping the sentiment Sirius shot McGonagall a smile, "Thanks Minnie." 

"No, thank you Black. Seeing you two reminds me what we're all fighting for." She stood from her chair, "I should warn you, Pomona has been asked to be immediately notified when Morrigan wakes. We've all done quite a good job keeping your past relationship with Morrigan a secret. It may come as quite a shock that I was right, do send her my regards, she'll know what I mean." 

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