Ch 56: The Problems That Haunt Us

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The students began to return from Hogwarts, all of them exhausted, all of them eager to see Morrigan. 

Ron wanted to brag about actually having a girlfriend. Hermione, wanted to confide in someone who could keep her heartbreak secret and offer some good advice. Harry needed to see Morrigan and ask how to get everyone to, quite frankly, shut up and stop dating each other. While Ginny had conflicting feelings, unsure of if she should stay with Dean or if she was still completely and utterly infatuated with Harry Potter. 

To put it simply, the teens were finally at the age where life was a soap opera that only they cared about. There were the external pressures of course, Katie Bell being cursed, Harry's insistence that Draco is a death eater, and the ever looming presence of war. However, to the teens love and lust was all that was on their minds. 

Harry returned to Grimmauld Place, eager to see Sirius, seeking his godfathers advice and attention that he had been deprived of, Hermione joined him for the time being, not interested in spending the first portion of her holiday listening to Ron gush over his newfound romance. Harry pushed open the front door to the house and poked his head inside looking around for Sirius. Hermione followed close behind letting out a little sneeze at the dusty environment. 

"Sirius?" Harry called unsure as to why the house was so quiet. 

Sirius walked out from the kitchen, a glass of firewhiskey in hand, "Harry," he said his signature smirk on his lips, "it's good to see you." 

"You too," Harry said walking over to the man and giving him a hug. 

"Hermione," Sirius said looking at the girls slightly distressed state, "how's Hogwarts?" 

"Dreadful," she said as she followed the two into the kitchen. 

"Ah, unrequited love," Sirius said taking a sip from his glass, "I know a thing or two about that unfortunately. However, I have a feeling like he'll come around soon. A good snog is alright until you have to talk to one another." 

Remus, overhearing the conversation entered the room, "And Sirius knows all about snogging girls and not talking to them afterwards." He scanned the room, "It's good to see the both of you." 

"Where have you been?" Harry asked a small frown on his lips, "I haven't heard from you in months." 

"I'm sorry Harry, I was living with the werewolves, and they're not very fond of wizards. If I had sent you a letter it would have made me stick out even more." 

"The werewolves?" Hermione asked her brows furrowed, "What were you doing?" 

"Dumbledore asked me to try and gain their allegiance, unfortunately they're all too intimidated by Greyback to join our side," Remus explained a sad expression overcoming his features as he joined the two at the table. "Nevermind that though, what has been going on at Hogwarts?" 

"Ron's got a girlfriend," Harry said with a shrug, "she's um... nice?" 

"Nice?" Sirius chuckled, "is she cute?" 

Noticing Hermione's change in demeanor at Sirius's question Remus jumped in, "It's his first girlfriend, we both know how those go, all fun and games until they crash and burn." 

Hearing this Hermione's spirits lifted slightly but she was careful to hide her reaction in front of everyone. Sirius looked at the crowd, who had seen better days and clapped his hands together, "Alright grab your coats." 

"Where are we going?" Harry asked. 

"To the pub," Sirius said with a shrug. 

Harry looked at Sirius as though he had grown two head, "Sirius are you sure that's a good idea?" 

Cigarette Burns - Sirius BlackHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin