pt52- long time no see

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why is it that when we make plans something has to go wrong? i mean it's not like we weren't expecting it but- well let me cut to the chase. dracos parents insisted he stayed home for the first few weeks. i mean i just wanted to be with him again and it's just been over four weeks. we send letters back and forth until our parents wouldn't let us send another.

it was hard to be without him but even harder as becca and oliver decided to come down from scotland and live at mine for the next while as the train prices were getting more expensive as the weeks went on. they had come down at the start of the third week, it's always good to have company but it's just hard sometimes to be with a couple when i'm not able to be with draco.

but today was different. today a few more guests would be arriving. theo and adrian. i haven't been this excited to see them in ages. the sad thing about people being over is that my parents have to keep to themselves. no ones really aloud to see them, they were fine with becca and oliver but the other two are a bit too much so they decided it was best as if they stay at the cabin for the next week until we leave. i feel bad but they mentioned it would be for the best for them and for us. they would be leaving just before dinner as the boys were coming around then.

hermione and i decided to sit around in the study as becca and oliver made us some lunch. what parents. susan offered to but they were really keen. hermione began to write to harry and ron just to keep in touch as she would be spending her reminding holidays at the weasleys as they too are under the impression that my parents are no where to be seen. becca and oliver are the only ones that know at the moment but my parents mentioned they might have to wipe their memory of them but they weren't set and stone about it yet.

"becca?" hermione asked looking up from her parchment

"yes hermione?" i sighed as i scanned over the bookshelf

"will you be staying with the malfoys after your little trip?" she asked as i turned to face her

"umm yes, yes i am" i answered as i made my way to the desk she was sat at.

she let out a small sigh before looking down to her parchment again, continuing to write her letter

"what's up?" i asked sitting down on the chair opposite her. she took a quick breath before looking back up

"becca, i've enjoyed being around you for the last few weeks but now i recon it'll be the last time for a while we'll get to do such thing" she ranted "i mean your clearly not on our side of things and i don't want to have to say this but- well you need to make your mind up"


"and i know, you want to be on both "sides" or whatever but you just can't. you need to just stop being a people ple-

i interrupted her by standing up and pushing my chair back. she looked up to me with a sympathetic type of look but i didn't really care. she needs to mind her own business. i walked away from the desk towards the door, i was done listening to her talk about my business

"becca, wait" she huffed as she stood from the desk. i don't know why i stopped but i did

"what?" i snapped

"be safe, and don't get yourself killed" she half smiled.

"don't get yourself into too much trouble, love you" i sighed before pulling her into a small hug, i know she'd be leaving tonight for the weasleys so it's not like i'll be seeing her often. merlin she gets on my neves but i still love her


"bye bye pumpkins" my dad smiled as he pulled us both into a hug. merlin i'll miss him.

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