pt25- the log cabin

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as soon as we got home i ran up to my room and threw myself onto my bed. i was glad to be home at last. wait. i just realised. i'm no longer a fourth year. fifth year here we come. after a moment of lying on my bed i immediately started to unpack. i started to throw my stuff in my wash basket to give it a good deep clean for later on. my parents insisted we went on holiday this year, we are going to germany for a week. how exciting. also my parents are allowing me and my friends to go up north to our log cabins that we own. which is also so exciting. this summer was going to be amazing. i chucked my shoes under my chair then went running down stairs to the kitchen where susan was.

"hiya susan, did you miss us?" i giggled as i took a seat at the breakfast bar

"i most certainly did, any gossip for me?" she giggled back as she started to make us all tea. i told her almost everything that happened during the time at hogwarts while she made and finished our tea. susan loved hearing the newest gossip just to make sure who's tea to spit in.


we were 2 and a half weeks into the summer holidays. i had just gotten back from germany at the start of the week and let me tell you, it was amazing. we visited so many different places and people. i took so many pictures with my camera and at the end of summer i'm going to get them all developed. but today was the day. we are all going up to the cabins. i'm so incredibly excited. everyone is meeting here and we are taking a port key. my favourite way to travel actually. hermione was going to come but she's taking advantage of me not being home and having harry and ron around. i got my bags packed and carried them down stairs. we were staying for three days. no adults, just us. my parents went up there yesterday to make sure we had lots of food for the weekend. i stood around my entrance waiting for people to arrive. first it was the twins ,ron and harry. ron and harry came over as he's staying here for the three days. soon after bobbie, adrian, becca and oliver arrived then finally draco. blaise was invited but he is on holiday. we all gathered around this wooden spoon. this was going to be our port key up.

"ready?" my parents asked after pulling me into a hug

"ready, we'll see you all in three days" i smiled before grabbing the spoon. with that we were off. we landed in front of a rather large cabin.


"i thought it would've been small" oliver laughed

"yeh that's what becca said when she saw your-

"that's enough" bobbie hit fred

"but yeh it's massive" becca cooed carrying her bags

"and that's what she said when she saw my-

"i said that's enough" bobbie hit fred again

"right guys come on" i giggled as i took the key and walked to the front door. we walked in and everyone's mouths dropped. the whole cabin was made of wood, of course but it had a full kitchen a large living area and multiple bedrooms. there was also a side cabin just in case we needed it which had one bedroom one bathroom and a tiny kitchen. just like a side house.

"so your parents just happen to own this?" adrian asked as he looked around

"yeh, we've had it for about ten years now, we always come here for a weekend or more" i smiled "oh and also Marley you home??" i yelled but got no reply "guessing she'll be home soon"

"who is marley?" draco asked as he walked over to me

"our house elf, since we have susan back at our house marley cares for this house, we rent it out to wizards all the time" i smiled "but she also works at hogwarts sometimes so you never know where she'll be, but her bed and things are here"

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