pt24- hometime :)

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it's been a week. sometimes it's hard to deal without cedric, i can't even imagine how the boys are feeling, including harry. everyone is trying to face the fact of what happened. it hard to face it but everyone is going through it right now, he was such a likeable person. it just sucks that he died like that, at least it was painless. dumbledore had called us all to an emergency assembly for cedric. Voldemort is back and there isn't anything we can really do about it. we just have to stay out of peoples way and keep to ourselves. today is the last day of hogwarts, it's hard to be leaving on such a bad note. last year was so much happier, this year has been a good year and we have grown closer than ever it's just tough to lose someone you love. i was in the dorm just packing my things away. no one else was here, it was just me. i tried to get everything i could in my bag again like it was before. it was a struggle. i was say on top of my trunk trying to get it shut before i heard a knock at the door.

"come in" i shouted as i clicked one on my trunks closed. the door opened and there stood logan and josh. they walked in one after the other. you could tell by their eyes they had both been up all night and crying. it was heartbreaking to look at. they came in and sat on my bed without a word.

"hey.." logan broke the silence

"what's up?" i asked while closing my other trunk.

"we just wanted to come and see you before we all headed home" josh smiled weakly

"boys, i know it's a rough time for the both of you and i know you aren't just going to forget about it all of a sudden but i'm sure he's still with you both right now" i smiled softly walking over and sitting beside them

"it's hard becca, he was like a brother to the both of us." logan sighed

"he helped us through a lot" josh added. i held both their hands and let them rest their heads on my shoulders

"i love you both dearly but he wouldn't want you both to be upset, he's always here" i sighed "whenever you feel a slight shiver randomly that's him hugging you when you head a random creek that's him walking around"

"thanks becca" they smiled in unison.

"have you both packed?" i asked

"no, we- we should, shouldn't we?" josh stuttered

"yes come on" i pulled them both into a tight hug "go get packed and please enjoy your summer" with that they both left. i took my wand and cast a spell on my trunks to make them fly so i didn't have to carry them. i walked out the dorm and locked the door. everyone was ready to go home and so was i. i couldn't wait to play with my cat, stay in my own room, see my parents, see susan and of course no school. snape was making me take home some work to do over the break, i actually wasn't mad about it, if i get it done then i'll basically be ahead for next year but i swear to merlin if i have to take history of magic again i will throw myself off the astronomy tower.
i took my trunks down to the main entrance of the castle where the year fours and up had to take their stuff. the third years and down had to go to the other entrance which is sad because ginny had to go to the other entrance with bobbies younger sister, luna. the first people i found were the twins

"hey becca" george shouted me over after i placed my trunks beside filch as he was in charge with getting all our bags onto the express.

"hiya boys!!" i buzzed as soon as i got to the twins i noticed becca, oliver and bobbie looking around in the crowd and they noticed me.

"becca!!" the girls both ran to me then pulled me into a hug. we almost fell over. oliver on the other hand walked over the boys and pulled them into a casual hug. the girls and i said our hellos then walked back over to the other boys.

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