pt18- the library

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a week back into hogwarts and everything was hectic as usual. everyone was raving on about the yule ball and the next task coming up. i recon the tasks will get harder every time, but it's not like the first was looked easy. me and blaise are kinda awkward but still together. he knows that i kissed both of the boys and frankly that's the whole point, he told me to and he needs to stop being upset about it :). yeh it wasn't the best thing to do but it was at the same time, if that makes any sort of sense. that makes three times that i've kissed adrian, i wonder how many times i'm going to kiss him this year, let's hope that was my last. today i was off the whole afternoon as after lunch i had history of magic and we all know how that goes. i persuaded bobbie and becca to come to the library with me so we could chat and read a bit. we sat in the library at the very back, it was great as no one really came back here.

"so bobbie, how's the geroge situation?" becca's asked as she flicked through pages of her book

"oh i haven't told you both what actually happened have i?" she asked looking up from her book. they both seem to be much happier than they seemed before christmas break.

"no, do tell" i smiled looking up from my book. i was intrigued, i mean bobbie and becca are my best friends and geroge has always been one of my good friends so it just seemed so interesting.

"okay so, it happened at the yule ball of course" she paused and we nodded along "the whole evening was great until the last hour. first we started to argue about something that stupid that i can't even remember, trust me it was ridiculous. he started to be really immature about it so i walked off but as i walked off i realised, that i liked him and i didn't want to throw our relationship away and so it seemed he did the same because as i looked back as did he" she started to fiddle with her fingers, like she was ashamed. "this bit is a bit fuzzy but as i turned around to face geroge, moments after i felt someone's hand on my waist. i was confused, george was still across the hall. i had no idea who it was but they pulled me in tight and boom, we kissed. geroge saw it. as soon as i realised i pulled away as quick as ever. i looked up to who kissed me, it was boy from ravenclaw but i had no idea who he was. i slapped him in the face multiple times" she started to tear up a lot, i placed my hand on hers to support her. "i turned around to go and see geroge but he was already gone. the ravenclaw boy then apparently tried to hex me behind my back or that's what mad eye was shouting at him, i didn't care. a hex would've been better than what just happened"

"aww bobbie" becca sighed also holding onto her hand

"what's worse is when i told geroge that i slapped the boy and i pulled away as soon as i realised and i wanted to go see him" she stuttered "he didn't believe me, he didn't fuckin believe me" she started to cry a bit "the stormed off and when i walked to the end of the hall i saw" she looked up to me "well i saw you comforting him, Rebecca. i didn't want to make things worse, he seemed too upset, so i went back to my dorm alone and quickly packed my stuff, i didn't want to see anyone other than luna and my parents"
luna is bobbies younger sister, she's blonde, a year younger than me and in ravenclaw.

"bobbie, i'm so sorry i didn't know why he was so upset i just wanted to help" i sighed

"no, it's good that you helped him, he needed it" she smiled softly

"i'm glad you told us, we might've heard the wrong story first" becca smiled softly.

"do you want me to talk to him?" i asked quietly

"no, it's over now" she said sternly "he didn't believe me, that's the worst part"

"but if you saw a girl kissing him, would you believe him at first?"

"well no but i would've after a day or two, he
doesn't even talk to me right now" she sighed

"i know, why don't you just ask fred out, they are twins after all" becca laughed

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