pt48-"oh my dear, come in come in"

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"becca come on, we have to go" fred whispered as he pulled my arm to leave.

"fred, they are talking about me" i whispered back as we walked backwards slowly

we continued to walk backwards as they argued slightly but unluckily for us we walked into the wall, making a noise. a noise loud enough to echo. fuck.

"it's okay, maybe they didn't-" fred spoke too soon

"oh miss granger? what a coincidence" bellatrix laughed as she looked over to me and fred as she held neville.

"miss granger?" lucius asked "what are you doing here?" all the death eaters attentions were brought to me, still holding the others of course. i became very flustered until i felt fred's arms wrap around me very tightly. subtle.

"i-i- do it" i demanded looking up at fred


"now" as those words left my mouth fred pulled his wand up and stunned me. i felt my eyes close over, his wand was rather close to me so i felt it more than i should've. i heard shouting but it was muffled.


my eyes fluttered open as i sat up off the ground. where- oh. i looked around to see the- the order and well death eaters all fighting. i was sat up on a rock? what the fuck- i placed my hand on the back of my head then looked at my hand. blood. i had a few other cuts and bruises but my head one was definitely the worst

"becca? your alright?" bobbie whispered as she helped me off the rock. before i knew it a spell was shot at us. luckily lupin jumped in and saved us

"get her out of here" he demanded.

"what no" i spat but before i knew it i felt bobbies arm pull me behind another rock

"what happened?" i asked looking up at her as we crouched behind the rock

"ill tell you when we're back at hogwarts" she whispered, i nodded in return. i was still rather confused.

"where's fred?" i whispered

"are you serious? he literally stunned you and your bleeding"

"i told him to"

"you would never, well anyways george took him away as all the death eaters were going mental and almost killed the boy"

"fuck" i gasped as i placed my hand over my body where i was bleeding, trying to stop it from going everywhere. yuck. luckily everyone was okay though.

"right come bobbie" tonks whispered softly pulling at bobbie. the order was taking one out the room at the time just so if they had to protect one it would be easier. the walked away from the rock. i poked my head up from the rock to see everyone still fighting. i wasn't on a side so it's not like i could fight until i felt a hand on my arm pulling me up from behind the rock. i had no idea who it was until i heard the laugh.

"come on then granger, show them what you've got" she shouted in my ear as i stood there back to back with bellatrix. fuck. i looked around the room until i saw harry and sirius fighting death eaters beside the arch.

"nice one james" sirius shouted to harry i couldn't help but smile. james was harry's dad and sirius loved james like a brother.

"come on, crouch told me you did the death curse" she laughed as she threw curses around. shivers flew down my spine.

"avada kedavra" she shouted. my body went numb i turned to face sirius and harry again to see how they were getting on with those two death eaters. i watched as sirius's lifeless body lift off the ground slowly and fly into the arch. his body was taken into the after life. my eyes began to water. i turned to face bellatrix who had a small smirk pasted across her face. evil.

granger.Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz