pt5- skippers

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the tri wizard tournament. it seemed rather dangerous especially to take part at a school, i'm glad none of my close friends can take part in this tournament as they are all too young, i mean i wouldn't mind if pansy got involved with it but sadly she can't. i had just finished herbology, i really do enjoy herbology. a lot of people don't like it but it's one of my favourite subjects, mrs sprout treats me as if i was a hufflepuff, she really doesn't pick as much favourites as some of the teachers. i was just walking out of the greenhouse with logan black, he and i work together in herbology and a few other classes actually. logan has short brown hair and bright blue eyes, he is rather tall and is in hufflepuff. we have always been rather good friends, although he isn't liked much by my other friends. we were walking back up to the castle together but we decided to walk the long way so we could continue chatting about herbology and plants, until logan decided to hit me with one of his books.

"um excuse me? what was that for?" i giggled as we walked around the side of the castle. he then burst out laughing at me rubbing my arm where he had hit me. "don't ignore me logan" i hit him with my book to get his attention

"that was rude of you" he continued to laugh as i scowled at him "it was just simply to annoy you" he smirked. i then threw my potions book towards his head and lucky for me it hit him. "Rebecca!!" he looked down at the book i had thrown at him "you bitch" he shouted as he picked up my book and started to chase me around the courtyard. people were staring at us as we ran around like children. i couldn't stop laughing. the laughter was hurting. until he tackled me onto the grass, i was lucky i chose to wear trousers.

"logan" i screamed as he threw me onto the ground. "get off you idiot" i screeched, more people were starting to stare at us. "i'm sorry" i laughed when he started to tickle me "i said i'm sorry" i screamed as i threw my hand to hit him
on the chest.

"sorry what was that?" he laughed as i struggled to get free on the ground.

"let go of miss Granger, mr Black. right. at. once." i looked over logan's shoulder to see none other than professor snape. of course it was snape. "i said get off, black" snape pulled on logan's shoulder to get him off as he didn't hear snape.

"oh. professor snape. i- i apologie" logan spat as he jumped up and helped me off the ground. i couldn't help but snigger. i thought the whole situation was rather funny, but snape did not.

"your both lucky i don't give you detention ." snape paused "or take house points off, now at once" we both looked at each other before looking back at snape "go" he snapped. we both slightly ran towards the entrance. why was snape in such a good mood?

"i cant believe we got out of that" i laughed as we walked towards the great hall for lunch. "especially as it was snape" i giggled

"yeh i thought we would've gotten detention or something, not like snape to let someone off like that" he laughed "i'm not complaining"

"this was all your fault." i went on "if you didn't hit me i wouldn't have threw my book at you" i nudged his arm as we entered the great hall "see you later mr black" i laughed

"see you later miss granger" he pulled me in by the wrist and gave me a small hug before i walked over to the slytherin table. people were staring as i walked over to the table

"hello ladies" i smiled as i sat down beside harper and Vincent. the food looked good as always, although i decided to just have a sandwich.

"hello beautiful" harper smiled as she pulled me in for a side hug "how was herbology?"

"it was great as always, got in trouble from snape as we were walking in to the castle though" i giggled as i stuffed food in my mouth

"we?" blaise questioned as he sat down just infront of me, beside draco. still no sign of adrian though. "who's we?"

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