pt50-"butter beers anyone?"

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of course the last few weeks were almost always a blast, no OWLS to worry about no nothing. but not this year. i couldn't bare going off for the holidays, no parents no nothing. i didn't have the balls to even go to the manor after what happened and i'm not too sure the order would be too pleased if i went there either i just wanted to curl up in a ball and cry. so i did. the boys all decided it would be good to get a few practices for quidditch in but that meant i would be alone in the dorm so i took that opportunity to write to my parents and susan and cry. i decided to write to remus too just to check in and see if everything was alright.

it was peaceful being alone although it was the last week of school and everyone was a bit done with it but i knew the next year or two aren't gonna be the same, for anyone. after i sent my letters away an owl came flying in. it wasn't anyones owl i recognised. i took the letter and on it was written 'miss granger'. i ripped the letter open at the top and took it out.

'dear Rebecca, me and your mother are coming home but not on a good note. we wanted to stay out of all of this but sadly we have been pulled into this disaster. we have been contacted on many occasions by both 'sides' of this and we aren't too sure about what side we are on. sadly we'd have to fight against our friends no matter what side we are on and i'm sure your feeling the same. we recon we will stick to our gut and not fight but we don't want to get you or your sister in more trouble as it is.
the only thing we ask of you is don't tell anyone about us being home and don't act as if we are

we love and think about you both everyday

mum and dad'

as i read the letter my eyes began to water. i had never thought about them choosing a side and i didn't want to fight against them either. i'm assuming they'd join the order as there is no sign of hermione joining the opposite side. and with me i'm basically on both. it's hard. i folded the letter and ripped it apart, into as small of pieces as i could, then i placed them in a little bag. i walked down to the common then placed my shredded paper into the fire. i could never have anyone reading that letter or knowing about it. i sat and watched the letter burn or what was left of it when the common room door opened to reveal the boys coming back. i quickly wiped my face to make sure there was no sign of tears then closed my eyes as if i was asleep.

"the fire is on for once" theo laughed as he approached the fire place

"wait is that- it is" adrian added

"becca, what you doing down here?" blaise asked

"shhhh she's asleep" draco hushed as he approached more

"becca wake up" adrian laughed. i fluttered my eyes open as if i was just waking up as i did so i noticed blaise throwing a bit of wood in the fire to keep it going. smart

"morning sunshine" theo laughed as he threw himself on the couch infront of me

"hiya" i fake yawned

"why are you down here?" draco asked as he sat down beside me and took my legs and placed them over him.

"just wanted to burn some parchment paper and get warm" i smiled. i wasn't lying. i did want to burn paper

"guys i recon we should go to the three broomsticks tonight and maybe get a few butter beers" adrian smiled as he looked up from fidgeting

"i'm in" i smiled looking up at the boys

"invite the gryfindoors or no?" adrian asked as he looked over to draco and theo

"why wouldn't we?" draco smiled. i'm glad he was being mature about this, if anything it made him more attractive, if that was even possible.

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