pt30- uncovered truth

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the anger i had against this umbridge was ridiculous. i hate her already and we aren't even a month in. i knew i needed some help but i couldn't risk draco getting hurt or anyone else in that matter. but i couldn't just let her walk all over us and carve words into people. i don't even know who to tell. how do i get help? i think we all know the answer. it was just after last period. i had just had muggle studies with the twins so it was the perfect time to make my move. i was packing my stuff up before they approached me first

"you ready?" fred asked as they watched me throw my bag over my shoulder. i nodded before we walked out the class.

"can we all talk? alone?" i smiled

"i have to go to the library so we could always talk there?" george asked as we walked towards the library anyway.

"perfect" we walked into the library. it was semi busy but there was still enough room to have a private chat. we decided to sit near the back. just were me, bobbie and becca sat last time.

"so, what's up?" fred asked while leaning back in his chair

"i need you help with a... prank" i smiled weakly looking up at them both

"a prank? yeh of course" george beamed

"but- it's on a teacher and-

"even better, we're in" fred interrupted

"but, well have you been in detention with umbridge yet?" i asked looking up from my hand that wasn't even marked.

"yeh of course we did mate" george giggled flashing his hand up and showing me his scars

"it nipped at first but now it's pretty cool" fred laughed also flashing his hand up

"wait did she do it to you as well?" george looked very worried for me. i took a moment before speaking. i felt ashamed.

"i- well i had detention with her and i got the quill from her too but-" paused flashing my hand up, revealing my clear hand

"what? that doesn't make sense?" fred commented. my eyes started to water slight. i was

"it-it didnt do it to m-me" i stuttered as the tears from my eyes began to glide down my cheeks. "it-it happened to draco"

"hey, don't cry" george smiled weakly

"we're definitely in now, george? how bout it?" fred declared

"thank you both, i just don't want you getting hurt as well" i smiled softly wiping the tears from my face

"we can even use our new products, aye fred" george ignored me and went on with planning

"would you want to help or would it just be us?" fred asked kicking his feet up on the table in unison with george

"help obviously" i laughed while standing up "but i'm afraid i can't stay for any longer as i said to draco id meet him"

"we'll fill you in on all the details, after the quidditch game next week?" george smiled

"perfect, see you later boys" i picked up my bag before they said their goodbyes and with that i left them. i walked through the library towards the door before daphne walked up to me.

"hey, becca can we talk real quick?" she asked

"umm yeh sure " i was okay with daphne, ever since the yule ball, she has kinda stayed out from under my feet.

"i know it happened a long time ago and i also know that you and draco are together now but-

"look daphne it's fine, me and blaise are still very good friends an-

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