pt4- three broomsticks

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it was sunday. two days after our mini party. sunday's are always pretty chill. i woke up to the sound of the door slamming, and so it seemed both of the boys did the same, chloe must've really been a mood today. "morning ladies" i yawned while raising my head slightly to look over at them in their beds.

"yeh morning" blaise groaned as he put the pillow over his head, he really isn't a morning person. draco didn't even say anything. dick. i got out of bed slowly as i myself wasn't a morning person but i felt the urge. i slowly crept over to dracos bed and then preceded to jump on him.

"fuck off" he laughed as he put the covers over his head "granger" i continued i jump "oi" he paused before looking up at me in disgust. i continued to jump on his bed and be annoying, he then grabbed my legs and pulled me down "fuck. off." shivers. something about draco just gives me shivers, maybe it's his cold skin on my warm skin or maybe it's the way he speaks but either way. shivers.

"no" i tried to stand up but he took me down with just one arm and wrapped me in his arms to keep me still "draco" i tried to push him away but he just wouldn't let me, i was wriggling around trying to get loose but he just want moving. i gave up and just lay there until harper walked in

"hi guys, i heard you from downstairs, well to be honest my door was open so yeh. but i think we should do something-" she paused "am i interrupting something?" blaise looked confused then looked over to see me and draco tangled up.

"no no carry on" draco said but didn't let go of me, she went on

"so i think we should do something today as school starts tomorrow and yeh" she paused and took a breather "hogsmeade?" we all nodded "get up and ready then, come on" she walked out but left our door open. dick. draco then let go so i could go and shut the door.

"right i'm away to shower quickly then get ready, you better start before i get out the shower" i walked into my bathroom and turned in the shower. but before i shut the door i ran towards blaises bed and threw myself on top of him. draco let out a snigger "get upppp" i yelled slightly.
after my shower i walked back through to see them both still in bed. i had on a pair of short shorts and a big top. "get up, now" i said sternly as i looked over at them both.

"fine" draco rolled his eyes then got out of bed and before i knew it i got pushed onto my bed as he walked past me "your in my way" he scoffed "i'll go shower"

"blaise you too, go shower you stink of shit" after a while we were all ready. we all walked down towards harper's dorm room. i decided to to wear a pair of black mom jeans, a green buttoned up cardigan, with white trainers. as we got to harper's dorm the door was wide open, she was walking around her room chatting away.

"well i think we should go to the three broomsticks because we all enjoy it there" she went on as the others sat on her bed, we walked in slowly as she chatted away "oh here it is, where are they lot? they should be- hi guys" harper then picked up her bag and walked over to us as we said our hellos "let's go, we can't be too long" she walked out and we all followed

"hi guys, you all feeling alright now, after friday?" adrian laughed as we all walked down the stairs following harper

"just a bit tired that's all, Rebecca decided to jump on us both to get us up" blaise went on as we got to the common room, the common room was alive, for once.

"oh so that's what she was doing with draco" harper giggled "looked a bit" she paused "different" i nudged her slightly

"oh shut up harper you just wish you were Rebecca that's all" draco added as we walked into the halls, people stood about chatting away to their friends, we even passed chloe. everyone kinda cleared as we walked past, i felt kinda bad, it's not like we aren't that mean. "move out of our way you filthy little mudbloods" draco exclaimed, okay so most of us aren't a that mean. as we left hogwarts we chatted about quidditch. i personally didn't play quidditch as i would much rather stay and watch it and their isn't any girls on the slytherin quidditch team, although adrian, draco and blaise are all on it and they are all really good.

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