pt31- rough game

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today's as the day. quidditch. slytherin vs hufflepuff. rather tense, it's the first game of the season. everyone will be overwhelmed as we didn't get any real matches last year. becca and the boys were rather excited to get back on the quidditch field but no where near as excited as oliver. he was especially excited. he won't shut up about it and it's not even his team playing in this match.

"guys, it's literally so soon, we need to get the boys ready. maybe even hyped up" he ranted as we sat in the court yard enjoying the sun. "they need to win, it would be embarrassing to lose your first match"

"yeh we know" bobbie laughed

"youve been reminding us all day" i complained

"don't worry ollie, i'm excited too" becca smiled as she pulled him down for a quick peck

"yuck get a room" bobbie laughed "where are the others anyways? they should be here by now"

"yeh they should've been here seven minutes ago" i added but soon after the rest of the boys walked out into the courtyard too.

"took your time" bobbie laughed as we approached them

"we weren't getting any younger" i smiled cuddling into draco

"she's not wrong" becca added joining just behind us, basically attached to oliver

"right, all three of you just shut up, yeh?" draco snapped. he was always a bit tense the day of a match. i looked up at him like i was offended "maybe not you" he smiled before kissing my forehead.

"you excited for the match today boys?" oliver asked smiling from ear to ear. he really was excited for this match.

"i'm feeling pretty tense but also confident at the same time" blaise smiled as we walked back into the castle. they boys had to get ready for their match but we wanted to just walk them.

"i'm feeling the exact same actually zabini" draco sighed

"yeh i'm feeling more tense as we haven't played that competitive in a while." adrian added. it was rather tense. i mean i'm supporting the slytherin team all the way. no doubt about it but josh is the captain for the hufflepuffs and logan is on the team too. this game was always hard to watch but all in all i wanted the slytherins to win.

"right this is us" draco smiled looking down at me as we approached the changing rooms

"well, do your best i'm sure you will and don't be stupid or cocky" i smiled up to him "i'll be in the crowd cheering for all three of you"

"thanks becca" both other boys said in unison

"i'm confident you'll win" i smiled before he cupped my jaw and pulled me into a kiss. everyone else was waiting for us to spilt our ways so we did, eventually.

"see you all later" draco smiled as they entered the changing room.

"right come on, i need to nip to my dorm to get his other quidditch sweater so i can wear it" i smiled as we walked towards my dorm.

"you nervous?" becca asked as we entered the dorm. the common room wasn't far from the changing rooms so it wasn't that big of a walk. i gulped for a second.

"yeh of course. you really don't know what will happen" i smiled i grabbed his sweater.

"i recon they'll do just fine" bobbie smiled as we walked out. as we arrived to the quidditch pitch you could already feel the tension. i didn't care. i just wanted slytherin to win to be honest. it would be amazing if they did. they will. we decided to sit near the middle of the stands but rather close to the stairs so we could get out fast, to get ready to celebrate after the match. i sat on the end of us all but beside george. with in minutes lee jordon announced the teams on. i watched as the slytherin team ran onto the grass and huddled around. it was the same with the hufflepuffs but i wasn't paying much attention to them. as they broke out their huddles i watched as dracos eyes scanned the whole crowd and landed on us.

"COME ON SLYTHERIN!!!" fred shouted in my ear. i joined in. we all did in that matter. it was always a rough game but i just don't know if the hufflepuffs have been training as much as usual so i think we have it in the bag. the players took their places in the sky before lee jordan started the game. the game had begun. the cheers from the crowds were escalating. rather equal but i think it was louder for slytherin but that might just be me. i watched as draco flew past us. his hair was flying back in the wind and he was rather close to his broom. the game was playing out to be fair. it was like one to slytherin then one to hufflepuff. oliver was not happy

"they need to learn how to be a good keeper" he criticised

"i know right, i recon they haven't been training as much as us" becca added. they both were almost as obsessed as each other.


"they've got this in the bag" fred whisper-shouted. i turned to face fred for just a moment to agree to what he was saying until i heard it. the one moment i looked away something bad happened. someone was hit. everyone's gasps and cries were enough to scare anyone. fuck. my head shot back to the match to see a blonde boy being hit and falling off his broom. this wasn't just any blonde boy. this was my blonde boy. he was up high. very high. but now he was plummeting to the ground. this is when everything went in slow motion. i couldn't believe what was happening. a feeling of nausea flew over my entire body. i left my seat and ran as fast as i could to get to him. the world was spinning. this was the fastest over ever ran down those stairs. as i got to the pitch i noticed dumbledore standing up and casting the slowing. but was it enough? i began to run towards him. i noticed blaise, adrian and some other quidditch players starting to fly to the ground so maybe they had a chance of breaking his fall or saving him. i could hear everyones screaming louder. until it stopped. everyone was in utter shock. my heart skipped a beat and a half. the pools of water started to form in my eyes yet again. the pools over flowed and started to flow down my cheeks. i knew he was gonna get hurt in some way. i just hoped it wasnt too bad. i could hear footsteps from behind me as i ran but i wasn't planing on looking back. i needed to get to him before he hit the ground. i was too late. this was the fastest i've ever ran and it still wasn't fast enough.

"fuck" i gasped as i got to him. time went back to normal but before i knew it there was a crowd around us. i sat just beside him and held onto his hand. i didn't want to let go. he was on the ground and in a lot of pain. he let out multiple groans before his eyes then fluttered shut. i felt hands on my shoulder for support in a sense but draco was hurt. no support was enough for this. not right now. i closed my eyes, hoping to be woken up any moment. hoping that this was all a dream. it wasn't. draco was put on a stretcher and taken off the pitch. i watched as he was taken away but i couldn't move. why wasn't i moving? i felt someone's hand wrap around my shoulder but i didn't care. i wanted to be with draco but i wasn't aloud. bunch of shit. the game was then put off. they didn't need anyone else getting hurt. draco was in the hospital wing hopefully getting fixed up. i wanted to be by his side. i shouldn't have let go. everything was a blur after draco was taken away. rough game quidditch.


word count- 1404

short chapter yet again, ill try get some longer ones coming :)

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