pt28- butterbeers

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it was around 7:30 so me and draco decided it was needed for us to get cleaned up for going out. we wore the same clothes as no one knew what we had be up to. i was in my bathroom looking at myself and trying to fix my once perfect makeup when draco decided to come in to join me.

"what you doing?" he sang as he sat on the counter in my bathroom beside my makeup

"fixing my makeup and trying to cover these" i pointed to my neck and let out a small giggle

"no. don't cover them" he huffed

"i have to, people will ask" i smiled while trying to put my eyeliner back on

"so what? i'm sure it'll be a great story teller" he smiled while fixing his tie

"your something else i swear" i giggled while finishing my make up

"you almost ready?" he smiled while jumping off the counter "you look so beautiful, how did i end up with someone like you?" he wrapped his arms around me while i put my makeup away

"oh draco, your just a little sweetheart" i smiled while turning around to face him

"well i don't really want people knowing that" he whispered "your gonna blow my cover"

"right come on, let's go" i smiled before kissing him and walking away to get my bag

"you like that bag more than me" he laughed as he got his jacket to his suit on.

"your not wrong" i smiled as he rolled his eyes. i take my bag everywhere, you never know when you might need it.  we walked down to the common room together hand in hand. everyone kinda knew we went out but none really spoke about it. adrian and blaise were sitting around waiting for us.

"ready boys?" i smiled as we got to the common room

"ready" they both said in unison as they stood up and joined us. it's not awkward between me and blaise anymore, i missed him as a friend. i was so glad to have him back. the four of us walked down to the court yard to see the rest of the group.

"hii" i smiled as i let go of draco and ran to bobbie and becca.

"i love the dress, it's very pretty" becca giggled as we walked together towards hogsmeade. they boys were all catching up about the dramas that happened over the holidays while us three were talking about, boys. just the usual

"so becca tell us, how was oliver's broom?" i asked, becca was almost as red as a tomato. all she could do was let out a nervous giggle.

"what about dracos?" bobbie giggled, it was my turn to go red. bobbie hasn't got a boyfriend although she did loose her virginity to george back last year when they dated.

"what about george's?" becca giggled but maybe a bit too loud

"george's what?" oliver asked looking a bit concerned. we all couldn't help but burst into a fit of laugher "i don't understand? do you guys?" oliver asked turning to the boys, they all shook their heads, they had no idea. we got to the three broomsticks, finally. we were all pretty dressed up for the three broomsticks but, we didn't care. it's normally a pretty busy pub but we were one of the firsts for the night. i sat down beside draco and bobbie with becca and oliver across from us.

"drinks on me?" blaise stood up from the table we all nodded in return

"here i'll come help you" bobbie stood up from her chair and went to the bar with blaise. the table was full of excitement, it's been a long time since all of us have been together. the door went and all of our heads shot around to see who it was. it was logan and josh. i stood up as quickly as i could and ran over to them both. these boys were like my brothers. i loved them both with my whole heart. i can't explain how much i would do for these boys.

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