pt23- the third and final task

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today was the day of the last task. i was so excited, everyone was in that matter. although in about a week we all go home for summer break. but then again i'm excited for that too. blaise wasn't brought me up in any of his conversations lately, that we know of. which is an improvement of course. i would love to be good friends with him again, we did have a toxic relationship but our friendship was always a strong one. i haven't seen logan that much lately between him and bobbie going on dates and him helping cedric prepare himself. but all in all a good last few weeks.
the day went pretty slow as all i could think about was tonight. potions. i sat beside blaise with adrian and draco just behind us. shouldn't be too awkward. i sat down at my desk staring into space as usual until blaise started to speak

"hey" he nudged "do you need the notes?" he asked. fuck. did i really just saydream though the whole lesson. i looked around the class to see everyone copying something down. i turned to face blaise who had already done it and nodded slowly.

"can i actually?" i smiled. i didn't know if i should trust him after all i could copy down dracos or adrians later.

"sure, here" he passed his parchment over so i could copy it.

"thanks" i smiled weakly. i did miss him as a friend but i didn't want to show him too much. i scribbled down the notes as fast as my quill could move. then thankfully the lesson ended. i handed back his parchment before packing my things away "thanks again" i smiled before walking to the front of the room

"not. so. fast. miss granger" fuck. it was snape. i turned around and walked back towards his desk.

"is everything alright?" i smiled weakly. snape has always been rather nice to me due to him knowing my father but he did not look too happy.

"you daydream in nearly every class but yet you still pass. what's going on?" he looked up at me as he sat at his desk

"i um study?"

"why do you keep daydreaming? i notice you daydreaming in all my classes and a few of your teachers have been complaining out it" he paused and looked down at his parchment. it had my name at the top. it was like a report.

"sorry, but i'm still passing so i don't see a problem" i started to back away as i needed to go get ready

"not. so. fast" he paused "what about history of magic?" he raised an eyebrow. fuck. "your not attending?"

"i never wanted to take that, i wanted to take more herbology or astronomy but you insisted i took that" i complained "so i don't go" i stood my ground. not a lot of people do that to snape. no wonder.

"start. attending." he sighed "you are apparently one of my best students, i don't need your report card slipping, got it?"

"fine, can i go?" i complained

"i will be having words with your father but for now, you may leave" he dramatically turned around as i left as fast as i could. i had to find cedric. he asked me to help him get psyched up for the third task as logan had some homework to help josh with. i ran through the corridors before i heard

"slow down miss granger you'll knock someone over" Mcgonagall shouted as i continued to run, i was late. fuck. i ran into the hufflepuff common room to see cedric fiddling with his ring.

"cedric!!" i shouted as i caught my breath

"where have you- you alright?" he laughed as he walked towards me

"snape. just snape" i laughed "right so what's up?"

"hit me"

"sorry what?" i nervously laughed

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