pt3- drunken

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it was just under a week after the tournament and i was packing to go back to hogwarts. i had two cases. it was ridiculous at the point, i just couldn't decide what to take and what to leave, you never know with hogwarts, i wanted to take a few nice dresses as well because there are normally multiple balls and parties when at hogwarts. i was getting ready to leave my beautiful bedroom. my bedroom is a light shade of blue and grey, with white flooring. my bedroom was like my hogwarts room but just for one. hopefully if i'm a prefect i can get the same at hogwarts. the thought of my own big room at hogwarts is just amazing. i walked down my stairs carrying one trunk at a time. hermione was the same as me, she also had two  trunks. i placed my trunks at the door and quickly ran and grabbed collens cage and placed it on top of my trunks. i had on a pair of leggings and an oversized top on as we would have to change into our robes when we got onto the express.

"that's what your wearing?" hermione laughed "shouldn't you wear something nice?" i rolled my eyes

"i chose comfort, other than what your wearing, just cause we have money doesn't mean we have to dress like it" i smiled then turned around to my parents walking down the stairs, wearing literally the opposite of what i just said

"wearing that darling? shouldn't you put one of your dresses on?" my mother questioned

"that's what i said" hermione added, i punched her in the arm "what was that for"

"oh shut up it wasn't that sore." my parents looked at me with concern "fine i'll go and change" i rolled my eyes while running up the stairs. i changed into a white dress with white knee high socks on. i put some jewellery on and a pair of white shoes. then ran down the stairs, almost tripping "done. can we go now?" i snapped

"you look wonderful darling" my mother pulled me in for a side hug "theo, you almost ready dear?" she shouted slightly as my father came back through

"yes darling, oooh look at you both, my beautiful daughters" he signalled for us to get closer together as he pulled out a camera "smile" and with that he took a picture of us just beside the stairs "let's go" he then did the spell to carry our trunks "see you soon susan" with that he shut the door and i ran down the stairs at the front of our house. the fresh air on my skin. the sun out, for once. the smell of the green grass. it was like a movie. we decided to take our fancy car to the station as we had the time. hermione was explaining that she put our uniform in her bag for us to quickly get out. she's always prepared, unlike me. when we got there everyone had their trolleys and stuff for school. our parents walked us all the way to the hogwarts express. we then said our goodbyes and got on.

"come on let's go" hermione pulled me onto the train to look for ron and harry. we walked into where they were sitting "hello boys" hermione beamed

"longtime no see" i added as we sat down. in the carriage sat ron harry and another boy, it was logan black, a hufflepuff "oh hi logan" i sat on the end as i had to leave soon

"hi Rebecca" he paused "you look very lovely" he smiled. i blushed slightly. logan has been my friend since 1st year. we met on the train and ever since been friends

"aww thanks logan, you don't look too bad yourself" i smiled, we talked for a while about hogwarts and everyone's summer but it was time for me to go. i had to go to the slytherin carriage. "i'll be back soon guys" i smiled as i stood up

"okay don't be too long, i have your uniform remember" hermione added before i left

"oh Rebecca" logan grabbed my arm gentility "you forgot this" he handed me my little bag and smiled

"thanks logan" i paused "see you all later" i then closed the door and started to walk up the train. i ran into a few familiar faces and chatted away to them as i walked by until i felt a tug on my arm "what the-." i turned around and it was harper "harper!" i shouted as i pulled her in for a tight hug.

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