pt47- the beginning.

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after the stunt that the twins pulled we had to re sit our test but let me tell you. it was worth every last second of it. i mean yes. both twins got expelled for a week and have detention with snape twice a week but i mean it's better than umbridges detention.

i was in muggle studies with the twins just learning about basic things i already knew until all the speakers went off.

"exam results today" a teacher spoke "go to your common room to see them" the teacher paused "or to the head of your house"

"class dismissed"

i immediately grabbed all my books and left the class followed by fred and george. we walked out and into the hallway where draco stood waiting for me.

"bye boys" i smiled as they turned and walked the opposite direction. they both waved before continuing to their common rooms

"nervous?" draco asked as he placed his arm around my waist and carried a few of my books for me. i couldn't help but smile. this boy.

"nervous? never" i giggled "are you?"

"nervous? never" he mimicked as we walked down the stairs to go to snapes class room. we decided to go to snapes room instead of the common room as everyone would much rather go to the common room but it would be such a long queue to see them.

"ready?" i asked as i knocked on the class room door

"you didn't give me a chance to even answer" he laughed as snape told us to come in. draco opened the door and let me go first

"ah, miss granger and mr malfoy" he smiled. a lot of people hate snape and to be honest i don't blame them as he does pick favourites but we actually like him as well we are his favourites.

"we are here for our-

"test results" draco interrupted as i looked up at him

"no need"

"ah yes, here you are" he passes us the sheet for all the results. i traced along the paper until my eyes landed on my results. i couldn't help but smile. the studying really paid off. i turned to face draco who also had a smile pasted across his face. we handed the parchment back subtly

"thank you" i smiled looking over to snape

"my pleasure" he smiled "you both did just as i expected"

"see you later" draco smiled as we continued out the class. as the door shut behind us we both turned to face each other

"what did you get?" we asked each other in unison

"you first" i smiled

"i got annnn A-" he smiled

"well done draco" i smiled before pulling him into a tight hug "i'm so proud" i whispered into his ear

"okay well what did you get then" he asked as we broke apart

"i got aaaannn A!!" i smiled shyly

"that's amazing" after his words left his mouth i was whisked off my feet and pulled into a tight hug

"your making me blush" i giggled as he spun me about

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