pt12- quiditch

19 3 14

it was the monday after the first task, the weekend was rather normal especially for us, just full with studies and well that's about it. things were just getting started for the 4 champions though, i was happy that they all did so well but considering the next task is after christmas they have a bit of a break. i was sitting in DADA listening to madeye rant on about unforgivable curses, again. i do enjoy DADA and i get to sit beside harper, we don't see each other often as she's always with cho, i don't blame her though especially because i'm always with blaise. we normally just doodle together in that class as mad-eye seemed to always go on about the triwizard cup/ next task/ harry. i mean i know he's the chosen one but honestly i swear 80% of teachers favourite him. it's not my fault Voldemort didn't kill my parents and attempt to kill me. i'm kidding, i love my parents and my forehead.

".....the games have just begun for the champions and i can't wait to see who comes out on top, but for now" he paused "you are dismissed"

"thank god" i sighed while collecting my stuff

"what was that miss granger?" he yelled walking towards our table, here is were i could pick between two choices

"it's a lot of rubbish, you haven't taught us anything other than sleeping with our eyes open" see now that's what i wanted to say but frankly I'm scared he'd just full blown kills me

"oh nothing" i smiled picking up my small bag

"go on the lot of you, except you granger" he spat, terrified. absolutely terrified. this is the end. i didn't want to die like this but it seems like this is the end. harper walked past me and mouthed the words

'good luck' and god did i need it. a moment passed and everyone had left the class.

"so granger, what's your problem?" sorry what? is a teacher really asking me this? how am i supposed to respond

"sorry sir?" i was in shock as he walked towards me

"your teachers tell me your always a go getter and you try hard in all their classes but yet you sit here and doodle with miss flint"

"i- i just feel you talk about the same things quite a lot that's all" i smiled softly trying to not give him a reason to kill me.

"well i really need students to understand that there are serious dangers" he took a quick drink from his flask "if your so amazing, do one"

fuck. what was i supposed to do? Azkaban here i come or you know death

"fine i will" i took out my wand and stood at my table waiting for him to give me a creature. he came over with a weird looking creature, up scaled as well.

"here" he placed the creature on my desk "beautiful thing ain't she" i looked down at the creature in front of me. i had to focus, i had to do this right to prove i'm decent at the subject.

"which one?" i asked, standing over my table

"your choice miss granger, just don't mess up" i could feel him staring me, waiting for me to crack under the pressure. i waved my wand above the creature

"imperio" the creature did what i wanted it to, a wave of relief flew over my body. maybe i wasn't going to die after all

"brilliant, do another" he commanded. fuck, i didn't want to hurt the thing. i placed the creature back on the desk in front of us. i waved my wand yet again

"avada kedavra" i flinched as i heard it die. at least it was over now, i had proven my point and i didn't have to torture the poor thing

"amazing, you have proved yourself" he paused "you may leave" he smiled. i didn't know what to say i just nodded then quickly walked out the class, but before i could leave his sight.
"oh granger" he yelled "well done"

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