pt33- a 'relaxing' night

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the boys had gotten ready and left. it was just me and draco. he and i were both absolutely exhausted or we would've- anyways. we decided to just take a relaxing night to ourselves without everyone else as he's been stuck in the hospital wing and i've been sleeping on a chair for the last couple days. after the two boys left and joined the rest i decided to put some low music on and read to draco. he decided to lay on my stomach as i lay on my bed. i read on for a few chapters until draco interrupted me.

"hey, you know that stuff you put on your face, what's that called again?"

"makeup?" i folded the corner of the page over.

"noooo" he groaned and he sat up. i placed my book on my bedside table and gave him my full attention.
"wait i think i know" he ran through to my bathroom. i couldn't help but giggle, i followed him through to see him rummaging around. i jumped up on the counter top and watched.

"do you need help?" i giggled as he went through my cupboards.

"here" he held out a tub "face mask" he read the label and i let out a laugh yet again.

"do you wanna do one?" i smiled as he walked over looking around the tub.

"yes, can we?" he smiled opening the tub of face mask. he came closer to me and stood in between my legs so i could apply it. i put his hair back with one of my hair bands and i did the same with mine. i looked down at the face mask before placing it on his face. the face mask was a nice light blue. draco looked very cute with it on, although he was confused to how it felt. i couldn't help but smile. my cheeks were hurting from smiling so much. after i was done he insisted he would do mine. he was completely focused on not getting it in my hair, his focused face was so adorable, i couldn't help but laugh

"stay still" he moaned as he placed his hand on my neck to keep me still. his cold rings went into my skin as he tightened his grip. my eyes widened slightly. i could feel my cheeks go red, luckily for me he had already finished. before he let go, he pulled me in by my neck and kissed me. my heart skipped a beat. i kissed him back with the same passion. this boy. we pulled away and i just looked at him. his bleach blonde hair pulled back, his pretty blue eye, his pale skin with the face mask. he looked perfect. i felt absolute bliss. i noticed him staring back at me.

"draco i- i love you" i smiled looking at him. he stared at me again for a second

"becca, i love you too" he smiled pulling me into another kiss. bliss. i'm in love with his boy. we pulled away and i let out a small giggle. he helped me off the counter and we walked back through to the room. he grabbed my hand and pulled me in super close.

"hello there" i giggled as he held my waist. the music was turned up by a flick of his wand. within seconds we started to dance slowly.

"you look beautiful" he smiled looking down at me. i couldn't help but blush. of course he couldn't see it due to the mask but he kinda knew

"and so do you" i laughed. he gave me a quick diva look before we went back to our dancing. we danced about like absolute idiots for a while before taking out face masks off. draco looked at himself in the mirror in shock. he checked himself out while i was removing mine.

"we should do this more often" he looked at himself from left to right. i took mine off and did the same.

"you look very handsome" i smiled turned to face him. i looked up and pulled him into another quick kiss. we pulled away and just smiled at each other

"come on, read to me again gorgeous?" he winked pulled me back through to the room. as we walked through we saw blaise laying on my bed, faced down.

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