pt42- christmas eve.

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last night was a blur. i need to stop drinking so fucking much. today is christmas eve. the last day at hogwarts before the holidays. sadly i'm not going home and to be honest i don't know where i'll be going for christmas. hermione isn't 100% with me yet maybe not even 80 but she's still family. bobbie has invited me up to stay with her family for christmas which might be fun. becca told me she's staying at olivers all christmas, luckily for them they don't live too far from each other, only around 10-20 minutes. bobbie lives near the burrow. she lives with luna and her dad. i've never met their dad before so maybe this might be a good opportunity also since they live so close to the burrow i could always go to head quarters for christmas. hopefully i'll get to see my parents soon enough.

my eyes fluttered open slowly. i looked down to see draco laying on my stomach, all cuddled into me. his hair was flopped over his face. i could feel his warm breaths on my stomach every so often. i watched him for just a moment, just admiring him and how peaceful he was lying until i felt movement to my right. what the fuck. my head turned slightly to reveal a weasley. what? which one was it? i then took my hand and moved his hair to reveal his face. fred fucking weasley. what the fuck? i looked around the dorm to see all the beds full in one bed bobbie lay. it was adrians bed. what the fuck? what did i miss? i swear the last time i seen her she was with logan. i looked back down to draco who was peacefully sleeping. i didn't want to wake him but i needed to know why i had fred weasley in my bed.

i moved my legs slightly to stop them cramping but what i got in return was much worse than just a simple cramp. my legs were in bits. what  the- shit. my eyes went wide as i thought hard about last night. what was going through my mind when i thought this would be a good idea? especially on the second last day. i turned back to face fred to see his eyes flutter open too. i smiled weakly then closed my eyes. this had to be a dream. i moved into a better position then drifted back to sleep. it was too early for this.

i re-woke up to draco moving about. my eyes opened slowly to reveal a half naked draco walking to the bathroom. it was only six in the morning so if we woke fred up now, no one would know but they wouldn't definitely seen up sleeping last night, when they got home. maybe it's not such a good idea to be in a room with so many boys after all. it's hard to have privacy when there's so many people in your dorm. the bathroom door opened again as draco was coming back to bed of course. i flashed him a small smile as he walked back over. his pj bottoms were where they usually are. below his v-line. so. so. hot

"morning sweetheart, good sleep?" he smiled as he crawled back into bed and cuddled back into me.

"great although we aren't the only ones who slept in this bed last night" i laughed slightly. embarrassing

"oh yeh. i forgot about our adventures last night" he smirked. i blushed with embarrassment before i felt fred's hand come to my arm.

"morning" he yawned.

"do you want to like get out my bed?" draco laughed quietly

"our bed" fred joked in return

"what the fuck" i laughed. we tried to keep quiet but we kept making silly little jokes and comments about our events last night. i didn't want to even move. my legs ached but it was kinda worth it. they are both so incredibly hot although my heart belongs to draco and only draco. they both cuddled into me like nothing happened. it was slightly confusing as draco is normally very protective but he was fine with what happened last night and what was happening right now. i can't really remember the whole night but my legs can. and fuck did they hurt.


"let's keep this little thing between us, deal?" draco snapped as we sat on the bed. everyone else was away for lunch. no one questioned why fred was in our bed as i don't think anyone really wanted to know.

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