pt27- a new school year

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the rest of the trip was good, angelina went home and her and fred broke up. he's been feeling terrible lately about it but i knew that he wouldn't do it if he was himself. i had a big bruise on my face because of it and i had to explain to my parents. they weren't pleased. they contacted angelina's parents and told them everything. i never wanted them to do that but they insisted. summer flew by as fast as ever. too fast for my liking. it was almost time to return to school. i always wonder if hogwarts will still be the same when we return. i want to say it would but i have a feeling it wont. i'm sure it'll still be as enjoyable as ever. me and blaise are back being friends again. it took a while but i recon it's worth it. no one brings up the situation between us, it's kinda like it didn't happen. him and tracey broke up over summer. but who knows they might get back together. me and draco are just new to dating but we don't go around and say it to everyone. he comes around quite a lot but now that it's the last week of the summer he wanted to spend it with his mother. they are so incredibly close, and she is so incredibly lovely to everyone she meets.
for our last week of the summer we decided to spend it with the weasleys, although we weren't in our normal set up. we were at 'headquarters'. there was news that harry was not aloud to come back to hogwarts. i personally don't think it's fair. he was defending himself.

"it's ridiculous" hermione ranted as we sat in our bedroom. we have a bedroom at headquarters with ginny, ron and well harry if he comes. the room has a rather old look to it, the wall paper is rather dated but it's still pretty enough for a safe house. the order insisted that they went to his muggle house and broke him out and we had to just wait until they came back. i wanted to go but they all said that i was too young. a bunch of rubbish.

"they should be back any minute now" ron complained as he walked about the room. i still think it's weird that snape is in the order but it's not my place to say. we were all sat around complaining about how long it's taking when we heard the front door opening.

"it must be harry" i smiled as we sat around the room waiting for him to come up. all of a sudden the door opened slowly to reveal harry. hermione ran over and pulled him into a tight hug

"harry" she paused "are you alright?" he nodded in reply as me and ron made our way over "we have heard them talking about the dementor attack"

"you must tell us everything" i added

"let the man breathe" ron added with a slight smirk on his face. we both knew that he wanted to know everything too.

"and this hearing at the ministry" she paused "it's just outrageous, i've looked it up they simply can't expel you"

"it's completely unfair" i complained as he walked more into the room.

"yeh...there's a lot of that going around at the moment" he paused as he walked more and more into the room "so what is this place?"

"it's headquarters" ron answered

"for the order of the Phoenix" hermione added " it's a secret society"

"dumbledore formed it when they first fought 'you know who'." i smiled weakly as he continued to walk around the room.

"you couldn't have just put this all in a letter, i suppose" he looked annoyed. it wasn't our fault that we couldn't tell him. i barely knew everything about it never mind telling him. i looked at the other two, who looked the same i did. "i've gone all summer without a scrap of news"

"we wanted to honestly, really we did only.." ron started

"only what?"

"only dumbledore made us swear not to tell you anything" hermione sighed. i just stayed quiet, i didn't really know what to say. they talked about it for a while, he started to get really upset. until the twins appeared, the twins are only one year above me at school but they are the oldest in their year so they can in fact use magic outside of hogwarts. oliver wood can aswell but bobbie and becca aren't old enough yet. their hair has been cut between the last time i saw them both, they had changed. this is me and hermiones second day at the headquarters and it was still a lot getting used to.

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