pt37- "extra credit is extra credit"

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a woke up to a knock at the door. i was still wrapped in dracos arms to i didn't bother to move. luckily my bed wasn't the closest to the door. it was theo's. with a groan, theo got out of bed and walked to the door.

"and who might you be?" he flirted. this seemed too familiar. i could hear someone crying outside the door. my eyes fluttered open and i sat up slowly. theo opened the door a little wider to reveal, harper? what did she want.

"c-can i come in?" she whimpered

"what's up?" i asked motioning her to walk further in the room. blaise and draco sat up slowly to see what was going on

"harper? what do you want?" draco moaned in his tired voice.

"i-i'm sorry" she mumbled. what the fuck?

"who are you?" theo asked as he walked over to see harper more. yeh who was she? she's not the harper we knew anyways.

"it's harper" blaise answered

"used to be in our group before we joined the gryfindoors but then ditched us for her girlfriend" draco added

"ex- girlfriend"

"oh so that's why your back?" draco snapped "your little bitch dumped you and now your crawling back, right back to the people who supported you through everything"

"we did so much for you and this is how you repay us? ditching us for some girl then running back when it suits you" blaise snapped

"i said i was sorry"

"bit pathetic, just cause you've got no one left" adrian added as he sat up. i didn't say anything. i didn't know what to. the boys were really digging at her though

"guys that's enough" i snapped

"she was your best friend wasnt she?" theo added.

"i-i get it if you guys don't want me around but i'd like it if you considered it" she sniffed

"fine" draco paused

"we've considered it" draco, adrian and blaise said in unison

"no, sorry" theo added.

"guys" i snapped "we'll actually consider it" and with that she left the dorm. the three boys joined us on our bed once again.

"why the fuck should we consider her?" adrian  snapped

"if i remember correctly we let you back in pucey" i argued "i know it's different, you were possessed but we didn't know that"

"true..." adrian sighed

"still, she was dumped by cho." blaise paused "cho wouldn't dump her if she possessed her"

"he's got a point" theo mumbled. we debated it for ages but it was a losing battle on my behalf. the boys didn't want her back. i guess i had to respect their decision.
the rest of the day was rather normal until hermione pulled me aside as we were walking into the great hall for tea.i let out a gasp as she pulled me to the side.

"neville found a place, we are meeting tonight, i've already told bobbie and bex so just meet us outside our common room" she whispered, i nodded in return before walking to the table.

"what was that about?" draco asked as i took a seat at the table.

"oh i'm meeting the girls later tonight" i smiled. i wasn't lying. i was meeting the girls. i was actually meeting the girls before everyone else.

"oh that's good because we have a late night quidditch practice" adrian smiled as he tucked into his good

"sorry becca, i just need getting used to playing with a new team that's all" theo sighed looking up from his plate

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