pt17- happy new year

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the whole christmas break was pretty chill, after the boxing day party everyone stayed for the next day then left in the evening. a few days after bobbie and becca came around to see me and hermione. it was nice to have two of the girls around, without the boys of course.
i loved all of the gifts my friends gave me and i hope they did the same, my favourite was of course from blaise and it was a bracelet with little crystals and it also had a B on it. i didn't know if it was for 'becca' or 'blaise' but i didn't really care, i loved it anways.
owls were flying in and out of the house everyday as me and hermione kept writing to everyone and getting replies until my father cut us down to 2 letters per day. disappointing but needed. new year was approaching rather quickly, in fact it was tomorrow. i was rather excited but also very nervous as i had to act 'mature' but not mature enough to have a few drinks apparently. rude. susan picked me and hermiones outfits out as my mother ordered, they wanted us to look 'perfect'. my mother does actually have good taste so i didn't worry too much.
i was sitting in the study reading about basic muggle plants as i wanted a few for myself. hermione was also in the study writing to ron, i was happy they had made up. ron had came forward and apologised on boxing day.

"who should i take as a plus one?" she asked as she wrote her letter.

"you don't have to take one if you don't want to" i sighed

"well it would just be better so i'm not a permanent third wheel, again"

"how about you take krum" i giggled, krum and hermione have sent some letters back and forth but she always says it's nothing. i think so too but anything to annoy her would do just fine.

"i would but he's stuck at hogwarts remember" she mimicked back

"ron? i mean he's a pureblood-

"no Rebecca i'm not taking ron" she scoffed as she went back to her letter to him

"i mean i would tell blaise that i can't take a plus one but his family was also invited" i paused looking up from my book "so actually i don't technically have a plus one either, hes going with his family"

"but you'll be all over each other and i'll just be there" she huffed as she tied her letter to our family owl

"go with draco" i sniggered. our friend groups were slowly becoming one but hermione, harry and ron were not a fan of draco, goyle, crabbe, blaise or harper. hermione didn't mind blaise or harper as much.

"oh fuck off" she flicked me off as my father walked into the room

"settle down now ladies" he joked as he walked more into the room "you both better get ready for bed, it's late and we have that party tomorrow"

"okay i'll just finish this page" i sighed while scanning over the page

"okay, night becca, night dad" hermione giggled as she walked out into the hall

"so what you reading there?" he asked sitting down in the chair opposite me, sipping his coffee

"it's a muggle plant book, mum got it for me for christmas" i laughed closing it over softly

"maybe we can get you a plant or two to take back to hogwarts" he paused "oh wait you don't get the sunlight down in the dungeons do you?"

"i could always keep some in my room and you guys could look after them when we are away" i smiled tucking my chair in

"well yes, we could" he chuckled as he stood up from his chair. "come on then, off to bed"

"night" i pulled him in for a small hug then walked slowly to my bedroom. my cat crept behind me slowly as i approached my room. my room was rather cold. i liked my bedroom cold, it reminds me of my bedroom back at hogwarts. i quickly slipped into my bed then blew out my candle.

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