pt6- little kids?

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what the fuck did i do. why did i? no idea. no fuckin idea. it's okay, we all make mistakes and this was definitely one. i mean adrian is beautiful like no. um anyways so today was the day for the goblet of fire to officially start. everyone was static, wondering who would be brave enough to put their name in and who would be picked, i decided to avoid my normal friend group except maybe harper. she has actually been making another friend, not too close but just friends and it was a girl named cho, she isn't actually in Slytherin, she's in ravenclaw. harper likes to be with cho when i'm not around as she's not too keen on just being with just the boys, which is fair as they can be rather annoying.
i decided to go down to the hall where the goblet of fire was standing, there was an age line around the goblet to 'protect' the younger students and to assure no one enters under the age. i sat down beside my sister as she read a book and chatted to me every so often. other people were in the hall too of course.

"do you think you would put your name in if you could?" hermione asked as she looked up from her book.

"yeh, probably" i paused "like so many people would and there is a small chance that you would get chosen and if you did, well you get to take part i guess" after i answered, cedric and his friends walked into the hall, his friends were cheering him on as he placed his name in the goblet, cedric was a boy who was good friends with logan.he was in fact one of his friends cheering him on, although cedric was a few years older than logan, they acted like brothers. always together. always at each other's houses and logan was supposed to come to the tournament with us but he had other plans that came up just before. i glanced over to logan, he laughed happily when cedric went back to their group.

"i don't think i would personally, but i would support you the whole way" hermione smiled before pulling me in for a tight hug, i was on another planet staring into space "he hasn't spoke to you yet has he?" hermione asked as she tilted up my chin with her hand

"no, he hasn't. hermione i miss him, i miss him more than ever." i sighed, i've told hermione everything. she deserves to know, she's always there for me even after hearing about the adrian situation

"maybe you should talk to him, maybe not now. just- just later" she paused but before she could go on, the twins came running in and cheering with little vials in their hands.

"thank you, thank you" they said in unison while high-fiving people as they walked in behind us. we both turned our heads and i let out a small giggle

"well lads, we've done it" fred started

"cooked it up just this morning" george finished. me and hermione let out a small giggle as we looked at each other.

"it's not going to work" we both sang in unison while giggling to each other

"oh yeh? why's that grangers?" they were both at either sides of us now and looking at us both in confusion

"you see this" i pointed down at the line around the goblet "this is an age line, dumbledore drew it himself"

"so?" fred questioned, i really don't think they think before they speak. hermione wasn't impressed

"so," she laughed and hit her book on her lap "a genius like dumbledore couldn't possibly be fooled by a" i zoned out for a second, i looked over to logan and his eyes caught on mine. we stared at each other for a moment, just a moment before i zoned back in to the conversation "dim witted as an aging potion" i just nodded in return

"ah but that's why it's so brilliant" fred went on

"cause it's so pathetically dim witted" george smirked. they both let out a small chuckle before standing on a bench "ready fred?"

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