Lookism scenarios

Start from the beginning

" Just because everyone can drink doesn't mean everyone should." Taeyong pressed his thought into his fellow members' heads. This was in fact the tenth time the male commented something like that, but it was understandable if we wanted to get home unscathed in the heavily forested road at night.
" Well, seeing how much you believe not everyone should- you should be the one to hold back." Vernon smiled at the man who instantly shook his head to show he wanted to drink as much as everyone else," Listen, worst-case scenario, if all of us get drunk or something we can call Yoongi or Namjoon and tell them to get a taxi out or something so they can drive us back. We fit [Name] in the last row that was meant for 2 people, we can manage to add another person to the middle, right?"

His words were true, on the ride there they had realized they had miscalculated when it came to seats but with the smallest in the back, that being Jaemin, San, and [Name], they were able to make it over perfectly fine.

" If you want Vernon you can sit in my lap on the way back!" Seungkwan fanboyed over the male next to him who instantly flushed embarrassed and declined him almost instantly.
" I think Vernon is fine, Seungkwan. He had a seat, to begin with. Felix will most likely be the one in the second or back row." San spoke out, thinking back to the Australian being their driver," It'd make the most sense."
" If Hyung can fit he can sit in the far back with us and we can have fun!" Jaemin smiled at the male who shook it off.
" I'll stay in the second row if anything, if not I'll go in the trunk and duck down." He joked at the end before noticing the waiter coming over," Do you all know what you want?"
" Yeah, but we should get something to munch on as we drink." Dokyeom suggested which earned a United hum from the group," Can you order for us [Name]?"
The girl nodded on with a smile, getting everyone's drink told to her to tell the waiter who joined them along with ordering some food called a Jerk Salmon Tostadas to snack on.

The group waited for the food to arrive after the drinks before touching their glasses, wanting to toast to a good production with the food in front of them. Though the men at the table seemed shocked at [Name] stopping them from clinking their classes.

" Let's stream this for fans. I'm sure they'd appreciate the opportunity to be with us and see us before we go silent on socials for the recording." [Name] suggested," Plus, we have to thank them for all the copies sold on our debut album."
" Look at you being responsible and shit." Felix ruffled her hair as she instantly whined at him messing up her hair," I agree though, they haven't heard from us since the performance at J-high- unless you count releasing the album and doing the debut performance on that variety show."
" I'll set it up on my phone for the streaming, Jaemin and San can look over the comments for the different sides of the table." Taeyong spoke on the left side of [Name], causing him to stand and put his phone up in a place to see all the members," [Name], you can get it out too for me and you if you want."
" I'll do it." [Name] agreed as she and the two boys opened up the streaming app while Taeyong started the stream.

It took a moment but they entered the chatroom as moderators. After a few more seconds the chat became packed with people as the views go up. Seungkwan gave a loud, welcoming hello to the viewers from the left of Taeyong. Dokyeom instantly cringed from the other side of the loud man before challenging him to a competition as to who was louder.

If it wasn't for Vernon speaking from next to Felix they probably wouldn't have stopped screaming in the small bar. He explained why they started the stream as they all started showing gratitude to the fans for supporting them. It took half an hour before they cheered as they were supposed to, excited for what the night would bring with the love of their fans and the intoxication the alcohol brought.

Brass Knuckles (Lookism x reader)Where stories live. Discover now