Ch 71: The Paths We Avoid

Start from the beginning

He never answered the question. The pub door opened. The rest is history. 


Morrigan walked down the street with Sirius and Remus. A shaky breath escaping her lips as she suddenly stopped. Tears streamed from her eyes down her cheeks, dropping from her jaw onto her chest. "Sirius?" 

He pulled her into his chest, wrapping his arms around her shaking body. He felt her lean on him, taking the weight of her body against his frame. "It's alright little wolf," he said softly doing his best to comfort her. 

The two stood in the embrace, neither one letting go. Morrigan looked up at him her eyes red from the tears, "I'm so sorry." 

Confused he frowned, "For what? You've done nothing wrong." 

"If this is how you felt when I left... I can't imagine what you must have been going through." She confessed. 

Sirius gave her a pained smile, pulling away from their embrace to move the hair that was stuck to her damp cheeks, "It hurt Morrigan, but at least I still had you in my life. That's all I needed to know to go on. Plus the punch you threw really unscrambled my brain." 

His comment brought a light giggle to her lips, "Please puppy, your brain is just as fucked up as mine." 

Sirius groaned dramatically, "The nicknames going to stick isn't it?" 

"Sorry," Morrigan said as she wiped the tears from under her eyes. She looked over at Remus who shot her a sympathetic smile. "Thank you, for being there with me today. I didn't expect all of that..." 

"It's alright Morrigan," Remus replied, "you've been there for both of us, and we'll be there for you when you need it. No matter the fights we've been in." 

"Just don't kill Moony and we'll be fine," Sirius winked. 

"No promises," Morrigan said walking towards Grimmauld Place with the two men once more. "If he doesn't confess his love to Tonks soon, I think I actually will kill him." 

"Then try not to frame me for it," Sirius joked nudging her as they walked. 

Both Sirius and Remus knew that there was so much pain behind her smile. That she was doing her best to put up a strong front with jokes and silly comments. But they also silently decided that they would keep up with the jokes, keep the girl smiling and laughing until she didn't feel the pain while she expressed her joy. They wouldn't stop until she was better. 

They loved her in seperate ways. Remus recognized that she was the one to keep him in check, the way he did with the marauders. She was the one who called him out on his behaviour, who challenged him to grow, but did so in a way that made him respect her. She was the reason that he was ready to tell Tonks how he felt, the reason he was able to forgive himself for what happened with the Potters all those years ago, and most importantly the reason he found friendship again even if it was in the most unlikely place. 

"So what now?" Morrigan asked as they reached Grimmauld Place. 

"What do you mean?" Remus asked opening the front door and walking into the dark household. 

"What happens next?" Morrigan restated, "Where do I go, what do we do? Anything really, I suppose I'm ready for the next chapter." 

Remus shrugged, "I suppose we wait and find out, I'm sure some big thing will happen soon. It typically waits until June to do so." 

The three couldn't help but laugh together. Morrigan snorted slightly while she laughed, "Poor Harry. I wonder if people bet on what day in June someone will try to kill him?" 

"I'm sure the twins have it covered," Sirius hummed, content with the idea that the pranksters would set something up in such poor taste that it is considered funny. 

Morrigan looked between the two men and sighed, "I suppose I should get going." 

Sirius looked her over noting the slump in her posture, how her eyes would look up at them but then quickly dart back to the floor. "Are Bill and Fleur home?" 

"No," she answered, "they're at work." 

"Well, why don't you hang out with us until they're back? I'm sure you're sick of sitting around their flat," Sirius suggested. 

"I don't know," Morrigan said quietly. 

Remus shrugged, "Have a cup of coffee with us, and if you want to leave, we won't stop you. I think you could use some company. Plus someone needs to fix your hand again." 

"Alright," Morrigan agreed following the two men into the kitchen. She went towards the countertops ready to grab the kettle but Sirius dashed in front of her. 

"You go sit down," he said, "I'll grab you some coffee and a cake." 

"And a cake?" Morrigan asked sounding surprised, "Didn't know you'd taken up baking Black." 

"Unfortunately I haven't, I tried when Molly was over, but it didn't end in the way it usually did when you were here baking and I was left so disappointed. I was ready to get creative with a wooden spoon." 

Morrigan laughed at the comment unable to stifle it as she covered her mouth her with hand, "You're disgusting Black." 

"I am, but it made you smile," he pointed out with a grin, "Now go sit down and let me make you some coffee." 

Morrigan walked to the table sitting across from Remus, "So have you had enough of my drama yet?" 

Remus leaned back in his chair unable to hide his smile caused by the sarcastic comment, "Not in the slightest. You always manage to keep us entertained Morrigan. Though I admit, I'd rather have your gross comments back." 

"Well if that's the case-" 

"No," Remus said quickly, "I take that back actually." 

Morrigan pouted, "You're no fun." 

"I'm sure Tonks will beg to differ," Sirius called from the kitchen. 

"You're saying that as if Remus is actually getting any, honestly he could be a virgin," Morrigan replied with a smirk. 

Remus stuttered over his words, "I'm not a- I've- I'm not talking about this with you." 

Morrigan raised her brows at him, "If you need a few tips on how to please Tonks I'd be happy to help-" 

"No!" Remus said quickly his face going bright red. 

Sirius walked over with the mugs of coffee setting them down before properly passing them out. He pulled out the chair at the head of the table and sat with Remus and Morrigan. "Alright, stop being mean to Moony and let me have a look at your hand." 

Morrigan held out her hand. Sirius took it lightly, moving it ever so gently to inspect the damage she may have inflicted on it. "It looks alright, just a bit of bruising, you're getting tougher Hale. Maybe you'll be able to knock out you-know-who next." 

She shook her head laughing at the thought, "You're truly mental Black." 

He shot her a cheeky grin his thumb tracing over the top of her palm, "You wouldn't hang out with us if we weren't the tiniest bit mental. We'd be too boring for you. And if there's one thing I know about you, it's that you hate the boring and expected path." 

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