Welcome to Wherever the fuck

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Somewhere in fuck knows where...

A hole opens up in a movie theater and spews out Teams RWBY, JNPR, SSSN, CFVY and Penny.

"Ow. what happened?" Yang, Coco, Jaune and Sun say simultaneously.

Another portal opens revealing Ironwood, Winter, Qrow, Raven, Ozpin, and Glynda Goodwitch falling into the where the students had landed. Soon followed by a falling Tai and Zwei.

"Girls? Are you alright" Tai asks worriedly, they grunt in response before helping their teammates up

"Is everybody alright?" Ozpin asks his students and companions.

"Arghh-, I would be if Ice Queen wasn't sitting on my head!" Qrow groans.

"Well I wouldn't be if this drunk didn't fall over." Winter defends, standing up.

"Ozpin! I should have known you were behind this!" A woman dressed in black with pale skin said.

Ozpin and his students get ready for a fight"Salem. I don't know what game your playing but I'll-". All their weapons disappear and semblances negated. "What?" Cinder says as her flames die out

"Enough! You are all acting like a bunch of children" A voice booms in front of the stage. Everyone turns their attention on the figure.

"And, who are you?" Salem was the first to ask.

"I am known by many names. But you may all call me Saber" the woman says while glancing at everyone.

"And, what do you want with us?" Ruby asks cautiosly, while glancing at Saber.

"Funny, you should ask, your all here to watch the Multiverse with the permission of certain higher being/s" Saber answers

"What!? That's preposterous! You're either high or insane!" Weiss exclaims.

"I ain't high, ms. Schnee and if you want to find out you'll stick around~" Saber winks at Weiss, who scoffs

"Without further ado, let's get this show started" Saber says ushering them all to seating.

"Wait... I feel like I'm forgetting something" Saber muses, then her eyes widen.

She snaps her fingers and Summer Rose appears in front of them.

"Impossible..." Team STRQ says in disbelief. The mother-daughter tandem hug and cry.

Timeskip brought to you by an angry author because Saber couldn't give a shit about reporting back what happened.

"Thank you for bringing us back together ms. Saber" Ruby says wiping her tears, before clinging onto her sister.

Saber laughs ans says "No problem, what are war crimes for" before grabbing the remote.

"Wait. What did you just-" Winter says before getting cut off

"Nothing HAHAHA. Now where was I? Oh yes I was going to explain what universe your going to react to." Saber scratches her head, diverting the topic and turns on the screen

'She's definitely hiding something' everyone thought simultaneously.

A/N: So that's it for the intro. Feel free to send requests and I'll try to do it.

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