Request Rules

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Hi hi hi! It's Ficmata Gaea, back at it again!

I am back in the requested stories business, and I have to admit I'm excited to be writing more stories! The main rules that we have on the summary should be enough, but I will add some more here;

1. No hate or harassment in this book. I made the mistake of not doing this last book, and it didn't end well. I lost a lot all because a hater attacked. As a result, any hate comments will be reported and deleted. I will not allow you to speak to the requester, and I will personally visit your PM to talk.

2. Be specific. While it is okay to allow me to get creative, you can't expect me to think up ideas on a whim. I have a life too, and I have other projects to worry about. The world doesn't revolve around you, so please be understanding. Plus, I always have a fear of not doing it the right way.

3. Remind me a week after the request was made. I have a super forgetful brain, so a reminder would be nice. However, too much would be overkill. More than once a day is just.. wrong.

Well, I think that's all. Anything I need to add I will add and republish it. But anyhow, see you guys, and let's get writing. I can't wait to see your requests!

Requested Stories, Book Two [ONLY REQUEST IF WILLING TO WAIT]Where stories live. Discover now