Chapter 80 - Kaito & Katsuki

Start from the beginning


Kyoka read the first words of it, her hand reach her mouth as she gasped in surprise, and fear, even letting go of the goggles that hit the ground as another thundering sound on the horizon strikes.

"Forward march and here we go! Members of the agency Ba-Ku-Go!" It was another normal day in Katsuki's childhood, marching around with his agency of followers, blasting his quirk forward. The group then stopped, looking forward. Two guys were squatting down, discussing something. Those two were Izuku and Kaito.

"Looks impressive, Kaito... But will it fly?" Izuku wondered.

"Of course it will! If we do this, this and this!" Kaito handles his creation, fixing a piece here and there. It's finally ready. A smol Steampunk flying machine, powered by his own quirk.

He let's the machine go, gracefully soaring through the sky, much to everyone's surprise, Katsuki and his squad included.

"Look, Kacchan! Kaito made that! Isn't it awesome!?" Izuku gleamed. "He's using his quirk to make it fly, it's incredible!"

"Heh." Katsuki closed his eyes, crossing his arms, a smug smile forming on his face. "Whatever, Deku. Every quirk is awesome when you don't have anything." He shrugged. "It's still just a rip of from my explosions." Katsuki used his quirk to create a few small blasts.

Izuku seems upset by his comment, but not Kaito. He simply got on his feet, dusting himself off, and going after his creation, that fell a few meters down below. Kaito used it to hover to the ground below, picked up his creation, and climbed back up, at this point he didn't have the power to hover up yet.

"You shouldn't talk about Kaito like that!" Izuku tried to defend his friend. "You're both great!"

And Bakugo's gang laughed. "Of course not! Katsuki is better in every way!"

Kaito chuckled, his smile never leaving his face, that caught them off guard.

"It's ok..." Kaito said with confidence.

"Why are you smiling?" They asked.

"We could sit here and argue, but I really don't want to do that. It's not about that, it's about proving you're wrong about me." He radiates wisdom for a second. "Actions speak louder than words!"

"You were always the cool guy, never rally cared about what anyone thought of you, you just kept being yourself..."

Bakugo recalled Kaito's words a few days before the Sports Festival, those were the same words he said when he was a kid, Bakugo had forgotten about that. No doubt for considering the Flyboy no more than a small fry, a weakling, but for some reason, in that moment he remembered that scene playing out in his mind.

He remembered Kaito throughout the year, how he did his best to make everyone around happy. During the classes, he recalled how Kaito made everyone smile in unique ways, like failing horribly at math, to the point of getting bonked on the head by Mr. Ectoplasm, it was embarrassing, how could he have the courage to embarrass himself in front of the class like that. But when Bakugo looked to the side, everyone laughed, everyone had a good time watching the Steamguy. The whole class... Even himself.

His positivity was something that could be felt, when Kaito made a joke, or a snarky remark, retorting his jackassery, and when it was not there, the atmosphere was different, like something was out of place. He acted like an idiot, putting everyone's smile in front of everything.

And then... Kaito changed. His eyes weren't the same. His attitude, far from the friend Bakugo knew throughout the year. The image of Flyboy's grin, radiating positive energy, turning into those cold dead eyes he's looking at right now through the helmet, as the thunder strikes.

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐒𝐭𝐞𝐚𝐦 𝐏𝐨𝐰𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐝 𝐇𝐞𝐫𝐨! || A BNHA OC Story!Where stories live. Discover now