Sweet Moments Like This

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No warnings just a lot of fluff

     You looked up from the book you were reading to see your husband Sebastian walking into the living room with your four year old daughter Anna on his shoulder." Hi mommy!" She said as you looked up at her with a smile." Hi baby, what are you doing up there." She hugged Seb's neck and giggled." I don't know, daddy did it." Seb sat on the couch next to you with Anna still on his shoulders.

Seb had just finished filming a Captain America movie so his hair was longer then normal because of him having to grow it out to play Bucky." Daddy you need to cut your hair." Anna said as she ran her hands through his hair." I know, but your mommy likes it." He said as he looked over at you, you could feel the heat rising to your cheeks as he looked at you." Stop looking at me like that." You said as you tried to hide your face behind your book." Look at that, I made your mom blush." Anna giggled and put her hand over her mouth." Mommy your face is red." Anna said as Seb looked up at her." She is really red." You kicked Seb's leg in a playful way that made him chuckled." Mommy can we watch a movie?" Anna asked as she hopped around on Seb." Hey! You're pulling my hair." Seb said as he grabbed Anna pulling her off of his shoulders and setting her on the floor." Please mommy."  She asked as she jumped up and down in front of you and Seb." Fine, but just one." She squealed and turned to face the TV." What do you want to watch pumpkin?" Seb asked as you curled up next to him on the couch." Elsa!" Seb rolled his eyes as you giggled at his reaction." But we watched that yesterday." " Please." She said as she turned around and looked at both of you, her bright blue eyes looking back into Seb's." Fine." He started the movie as Anna sat down in-between you and Sebastian.

About half way through the movie Anna fell asleep in Seb's arms. You looked down at your daughter who was sound asleep and snoring lightly." I think she's asleep." Seb looked down and smiled." I think she is." Seb looked over at you with a smile." What if, I take her to bed and you pick a movie for us to watch?" Seb whispered, You nodded and smiled. Seb stood up with Anna in his arms, she wrapped her arms around his neck and her legs around his waist." Dad?" She asked sleepily." Yes pumpkin?" He asked as he walked down the hall to her room." Why am I going to bed?" She asked as Seb walked into her room." Because you fell asleep." He laid her down on her bed as she yawned." But I don't want to go to bed." She wined as he pulled her princess blanket up over her little body." But I am not tired." Seb kissed her forehead as she crossed her arms." It's time for bed." He said looking down at her." Can you read me a story?" She asked her big blue eyes looking at Sebastian." Not tonight." She started to sniffle and then a tear ran down her face." Honey don't cry, here look." Seb grabbed her favorite book and sat down on the floor next to her bed and started to read the first page.

You were in the middle of making popcorn when you heard laughter come from Anna's room. You smiled and walked down the hall to Anna's room. You cracked the door open to see Anna sitting in Sebastian's lap looking at the pictures in the book he was holding." I thought you were going to bed?" You asked as you walked into the room." Oh no!" Anna yelled as she crawled back in bed." She found us!" Seb said as Anna hid under her blanket." Where did Anna go?" You asked as you walked over to Seb who was now standing next to her bed." Anna isn't here right now." She said from under her covers." Oh really?" You pulled back her blanket to reveal Anna." No, I am not tiered yet mommy." She said sitting up in bed." I know but it is time to go to sleep." She sighed and laid down on her pillow." Good night Anna." You said, you kissed her forehead then walked out of her room with Sebastian. You shut the door to her room then looked up at Sebastian." I thought you said you were going to lay her down?" You said with your arms crossed." I know, but she wanted me to read to her." You rolled your eyes in a playful manner before he smiled down at you." You're to soft." You said as he put his hands on your hips pulling you closer to him." I know, that's why you love me." He kissed your cheek as a smile lifted the corner of your lips." Come on, I made popcorn." You said grabbing his hand and pulling him into the living room.

You sat on the couch behind Sebastian who was sitting on the floor with his back to the couch." What do you want to watch?" He asked looking up at you." Guess?" You said looking down at him as you ran your hands through his hair." Do I play in it?" He asked, you nodded and he thought for a moment." I think I know what it is." You smiled as he searched the movie." Is this it?" He asked as he pressed on Captain America: The Winter Soldier." You know me to well." You said as he pressed play on the movie. Seb laid his head down on your legs and looked at you." What?" You asked as he smiled." Can you stop pulling on my hair?" You smiled and ran your hand through his hair." I will if you let me braid it." He sighed and lifted his head." Fine." You smiled and swung your legs over his shoulders so his head was in-between your knees. You parted his hair and started to braid it, you were half way through braiding his hair when he started to chuckle." What are you laughing at?" You asked as you put the rest of his hair that was down into a bun." I was just thinking." He said with the same chuckle in his voice." Thinking about what?" You asked pulling his head back forcing him to look at you." I was just thinking of all of the fun moments we have had together." You started to blush as he looked into your eyes." What moments?" You asked." All the sweet moments like this." You couldn't help but smile as he kissed the tip of your nose." I like the moments like this too."

hope you liked it <3

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