Chapter 4: Visiting the Past

Start from the beginning

“Busy?” Trevor came in surprising Lavander, she moved over giving Trevor some space to stand at the center.

“What is that in your hand?” Lavander noticed, Trevor was playing something in his hands, it was white and small.

“Cotton buds, I got a paper cut.” Trevor said, he rolled it around his finger.

Lavander took the item from Trevor’s hand, “This is a tampon,” She threw it off the balcony, “Where did you even get that?” Lavander said.

Trevor looked up and think, “In my bag.” Trevor said, he looked at Lavander’s face for approval.

Lavander slapped him, “You don’t have a bag, you came in a sack,” Lavander slapped him again hard, “Athena doesn’t have a bag as well, so you took it from my bag.” Lavander said irritatingly, she returned to looking at the city once again.

Trevor massages his cheeks gently, “I’m sorry,” he said.

“It’s okay, just forget it. What are you doing here anyway?”  Lavander asked remembering that Trevor did came in the balcony for a reason.

“Well I came here to say sorry.” Trevor sincerely said.

  “About what?” Lavander looked at Trevor trying to figure out what did he do wrong to her.

“That I was in that sack instead of your brother.” Trevor said. Both of them had a moment of silence, Lavander thought of what Trevor had said. It was sincere and honest, he sounded very sane even with the tampon incident.

“You don’t even have to say sorry for that, it’s not your fault.” Lavander said, although she’s a little angry that it was him instead of Bryce in the sack.

“I want to make it up to you.” Trevor said. He went closer to Lavander, which made her feel awkward.

Trevor held Lavander’s hand which made her feel more awkward, “I’ve been practicing this technique for a while now and I want to try it on you.” Trevor said.

“Uhmm, no thank you.” Lavander let go of Trevor’s hand and walked away.

“Wait,” Trevor said, Lavander stopped to listen, “what if I tell you I can let you relive anything you want to remember back.” Trevor said, Lavander seemed to show some interest with what Trevor just said.

Lavander turned around, “Anything?” She said calmly, her thoughts went nuts with what Trevor just said. A thousand things came running through her mind. There were a lot to relieve but which one if ever granted.

“Anything, it’s the least I could do.” Trevor said, Lavander considered the offer although she’s having her doubts, Trevor was a little rusty but going back to her memories was a little tempting.

“Okay, take me back to that last walk in the park with my dad, could you do that?” Lavander said, Trevor offered his hands which Lavander took. The moment their fingers touch, everything changed.

Lavander had to close her eyes because Trevor’s figure started to glow brightly that it started to hurt her eyes. Lavander felt that her feet was no longer in the ground, she slowly opened her eyes to find that she was descending from the skies with Trevor holding his hands.

“There.” Lavander pointed by the center of the park where a fountain stood by, Lavander saw her younger self with the short hair and braces on, she wore a Sunday dress which made Lavander forgot she used to wear, “Wow, I look girly four years ago.”

Trevor and Lavander landed in the middle of the field where two kids ran pass through them, Lavander felt a little tickle when they passed, “Are we dead?” She asked.

“No, think of it as the spirit of Future’s past, they can’t see us nor hear us but we can.” Trevor walked in closely to Lavander’s family.

“Wait, stop.” Lavander said, she looked at the family she loved, “Can you pause this moment?” Lavander asked, Trevor snapped his fingers and suddenly the birds stopped chirping, the kids stopped playing and the world stopped revolving, everything was still.

Lavander walked slowly up to her family taking in the moment, Trevor stayed behind to give her some private time. Lavander took a good look at her parents; they were so happy back then, when there were no men in tattoos or problem about the Purple Children, just living a normal life.

Her dad wore a white long sleeved coat and jeans on, he fashioned his hair with gel and gets a tan by the nearby tanning salon. He looked so handsome even though he gained a little weight over the last few years. He was paused while laughing; it will be a great and memorable picture if someone was to take it.

Her mom looked nice in her simple jeans and flower patterned top, she laughed with her husband with so much glee, Lavander looked at her young self who only smiled.

“I know you can’t hear me guys, but,” Lavander stopped for a moment, “I wanted to say I love you, and I hope we could see each other again someday.” Lavander tried to touch her mother’s hands but it just passed through it. She just smiled and looked at Trevor who seems to be having fun passing through things.

 Lavander saw Bryce, the ten year old Bryce, the one with the pimple on his cheeks. He’s the one everyone’s joke was laughing at. He looked happy that everyone gets his joke. Lavander remembered that day, the day Bryce made his very first prediction, the day his dad was going to die.

“Trevor.” Lavander called out, Trevor quickly ran to her almost tripping over his shoelace.

“Yes?” Trevor said.

“Let’s go before I cry.” Lavander said, Trevor took her hands and everything went bright once again.

Lavander woke up to the beeping sound of a heart monitor and a nasal cannula on her nose, she looked around her and to her surprise she was at a hospital. She was in a hospital gown where she felt that her clothes were missing except for her undies. She saw Athena sleeping by the nearby couch where she had the blanket which Lavander should be covered in.

“What now?” Lavander said.

A/N: Sal hasn't made much of the appearance, but who would you love to play him? Comment below

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