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Renjun snatched her phone, swiping the screen to zoom the image sent,"What- is that supposed to be you??With

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Renjun snatched her phone, swiping the screen to zoom the image sent,"What- is that supposed to be you??With..Who the hell is that?"

The picture contained two persons, assumingly a boy and a girl, both wearing dark clothings and are seemingly conversing while sitting across each other in a Cafe which made it look like they were...


In secret..?

With her brows furrowed close, stared down at it with pure confusion and worry written on her face, she felt a tap on her hand.

"亲..That's not me..", the voice sinking as every syllable left his mouth and brows twitching in annoyance.

Confirmation hit Chenle just a second ago that it was in fact her, after seeing the familiar ring on her fingers that was caught on the picture.

But indeed he's correct, the guy is in fact, not him.Although judging by the clothes Jae was wearing and her hair, it happened just today so it couldn't be him.

Clearing his throat, alongside the thick air surrounding his room, Renjun decided to speak up,"I know you're not happy with this Chenle-ah but did you just call her with an endearment?"

He did.

How Hyunjae's heart dropped hearing it, yet ofcourse hearing the words that came after ruined it.

"I remember it now!It was a while ago!", Hyunjae clamored, snapping her fingers as her debunking down her rigged memory lane came to a success.

She's not really that type of person to remember things her brain considered unimportant, so it took a while.

Meanwhile Chenle's pout never left, feigning indifference as thoughts rambled in his mind with questions.

Is she dating somebody now?

Is she really meeting up with that guy?

Who's that guy?

Holding Chenle's hand, she flashed him a comforting smile to which the eldest rolled his eyes at.

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐎𝐝𝐝𝐛𝐚𝐥𝐥 ░ ᵗʰᵉ ²⁴ᵗʰ ᴺᶜᵀ ᵐᵉᵐᵇᵉʳ ✔Where stories live. Discover now