My hand latches on to his, which is still under my shirt, and pull it away. Callum seems concerned for a second until we start moving. Within a second Callum is pressed against the wall of some random cabin with my hand on his chest.

His eyes go wide as he stares at me, clearly in some sort of lustful haze.

My lips immediately go to his neck as I try to copy the movements that he has done to me so many times already. I assume I did something right when I suck on his skin, which caused a mix between a moan and grumbled curse that I didn't quite catch.

With that I back away with a smirk of my own causing Callum to stare me as I walked, betrayal written all across his face.

"I don't know about what you were doing, but I was having a good time," I say as I turn around and head off to my next class without even looking back.

Callum's POV

My glare hardens the second I walk into Andrew's office while his smile only softens when I sit down.

"How are you doing today," he asked as he prepared the stupid folder with my name on it.

"Fine," I grumbled as I got situated in my chair.

"I'm glad to hear that," he said in a voice that was a bit too cheery making me hold back a scoff.

"Anything you want to talk about before I pick a topic for us today?"

"Find me and Jax a new English class," my voice left no room for argument as my glare hardened. Andrew stayed unaffected by my glare like always as he frowned.

"Like I told Jax, there aren't any other English teachers for your grade. There's nothing I can do about it."

"Does Mary even know how bad Jax is?"

"What does that have to do with anything?"

"If Mary knew that he is one mild in convince away from actual homicide I think she would at least try to make an accommodation. Especially since her husband has practically chosen him to be his special case for the year."

"Yes, Mary is overly aware of Jax's current problem with Abbott," he said after a few minutes of being silent.

"And what about the rest of it?"

"What do you mean by "the rest of it'?" His eyes faltered for a split second but I catch it.

I've known Andrew for a good two years now, and in that time I've learned how to read him like a book, not that he was a very complicated book to read in the first place.

"What do you think I mean," I shoot back, a new glare set in my eyes.

"If you're talking about his anxiety and slight anger issues, yes she's also aware of that."

I only hum, knowing he still hasn't said everything but getting Jax out of that class was more important than trying to drag his problems out of Andrew.

"So she just doesn't care then?"

"She can't go around making accommodation for every one in here, there simply aren't enough funds to go around for that."

"So we fire the rapist and hire someone else. How hard was that to come up with?"

"It's not like there is a line of people ready to take a job here," he points out. "I'll bring this up to Mary but even if she agrees, it will still be a while before we can get a new person to replace Abbott and until she is replaced, we can't fire her."

I can't help but scowl at his explanation even though I know it's the best he can do.

"So, how are you and Jax doing?" he asked, his smile magically appearing again. I don't even care that my session has pretty much turned into Jax's just because it keeps his attention off of me for a little bit longer.

"Good, I guess."

"How's the touching going?" He asked, knowing that's where most of my concerns were when it came to Jax and me.

I have also been a touchy, clingy person and it only gets worse when we start dating since that pretty much gives me the green light to tease the hell out of you until I'm told otherwise.

Everyone has their own love language, touching and teasing is mine while Jax tends to stick with sarcasm and insults.

"I mean, I haven't drove him over the edge yet so I assume I'm doing pretty good."

"I know you wouldn't tell me anything even if he did, but have you been able to get anything new out of him?" I couldn't help but scoff at that as I rub a hand through my hair.

"Nope. It's like we are dividing everything up and I can't stand it." He looks confused so I save him from asking what I meant and just start explaining. "Ryder is helping him enjoy the small things like movies and anything even remotely entertain. I'm pretty sure I'm the only one who has actually touched him for more than a few minutes while he's been awake. And Liam is the only one he talks to be about literally anything."

"And why is that such a bad thing? You are all helping him in one way or another."

"It's so obvious that you have never been in a poly relationship," I mumbled as I wipe the frustration off of my face. "It's like he's a different person all together depending on who he's with. He's cute and playful when he's with Ryder, he's deep and mysterious with Liam, and he so fucking hot with me but I don't just want one side of him."

Andrew is quiet for a minute, like he is trying to figure out how to help in a situation like this.

"Try to watch each other when you are around Jax. See what everyone is doing different to get these different sides of him and then try each other's tactics and just see what happens."

I hum and roll my eyes even though he's had worse ideas and this one might actually work.

Clearly being able to see that I was doing having this conversation, his face becomes serious again as he shifts his attention to my folder before opening it.

"How about we talk about your mom today."

"How about we don't do that."

Last updated April 3, 2021

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