Chapter 17: Is this really an internship?

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"Everyone has their costumes, right?" Aizawa asks the class, "Remember, you don't have permission to wear them out in public yet and don't lose them or anything."
"Got'cha!" Ashido responds with much enthusiasm.
"Speak properly! It's "Yes, sir," Ashido."
"Yes, sir." Ashido corrects herself with a lack of enthusiasm.
"Make sure you mind your manners with the other heroes during your internships. Now get to it." Aizawa finishes, sending the class in their way.

"Rowe, Tokoyami, you two are headed to Kyushu right?" Questions Kirishima.
"Umm, I think. We are, right Tokoyami?"
"Yes, that is where Hawks is after all."
"Oh man, you two are going to intern with Hawks. That's so crazy. He's the number three hero, dude."
"Ehh, I mainly chose him cause Tokoyami was going. Would've gone with Endeavor if I was me from like last week."
"Woah, Endeavor? That's insane."
"I think he only tried interning me is because I beat Todoroki." Y/N looks down at his phone and realizes the time, "Shit, we'll miss our train! Book it, Bird Boi!" Y/N panics running of with Tokoyami quickly following.
"I told you not to call me that."


"This building... makes me feel insignificant. It's fucking huge." Says Y/N, standing next to Tokoyami, in front of the agency.
"Well no point in waiting, let's head inside." Says Tokoyami, opening the door. It was a nice-looking place.

"Oh, look secretary. Let's ask her where Hawks is." Y/N says, walking up to the secretary. "Excuse me, we're here for the internship. Would you happen to know where Hawks is?"
"Yes, if you two would follow me, I could show you." Says the lady, leading the two boys to a door. "He's just in here, good luck."

Y/N opens the door and enters with Tokoyami following close behind. "Yo-I mean, hello there Hawks. We're the Interns from U.A, pleased to meet you." Say Y/N as the two students bow.
"Don't do that guys, you make me feel old. I'm only twenty-two. No need to be so formal. I'm Keigo, Keigo Takami. But you guys know me as Hawks."
"Alright then, well, my name's Y/N Rowe. Nice to meet ya.
"And I'm Fumikage Tokoyami. It's a pleasure."

"Alright, come on guys. It's time to get going. You guys got your hero uniforms right? Time for some patrolling."
"Got it, Hawks."
"Alright then, I'll get changed, sir."
"I said drop the formalities."
"My apologies, Hawks."
"Come on, let's change Tokoyami."
"Right, coming."

"I like the guy already. He's pretty cool."
"I agree. Though he doesn't seem like the type to take interns to me. In fact, I'm pretty sure he hasn't."
"Huh, you for real Birdman? I'll ask him."
"Don't call me that."


The two interns returned fully dressed out in their hero gear and ready to head out.
"Yo, Hawks, quick question, why'd you take us as interns?"
"Yes, why did you? I've heard you've never taken any in, so why us?"
"You'll see. Things are about to get interesting."
"That's super vague man. Ugh, nevermind, let's just go Hawks."
"Okay, make sure you guys keep up."
"Huh?" The two interns said simultaneously and wondered what he meant.

Two of Hawk's sidekicks were outside when we left. They were coming with us apparently.
"There are some thugs, they're going rampant on the street a few blocks north." One of the sidekicks informed, and Hawks quickly taking to the skies.
"Umm, so we follow now right?"
"Yeah, come on guys, keep up!" Hawks yells in the distance going even further.
"Damn, I'll try I guess."
"Don't be put down kid. It's ok if you can't keep up." Said the other sidekick.
"Huh?" Y/N says and turns towards him with an annoyed expression, "Don't doubt me, I'll catch up to him easily." And he begins running in the direction Hawks went, using his neon speed to enhance his speed even further. Tokoyami followed close behind. Y/N caught up, but the problem was fixed. The sidekicks caught up a few minutes later, with Tokoyami following their arrival a few seconds later. Hawks was standing on a wiring pool, in a very hero-like way.

"Next stop is the cantina, where they've got a customer going wild. You guys clean up here." He quickly flew off, right after.

"The hell? I'm not some damn cleaner." Y/N complained, while Tokoyami still catching his breath.
"Yup, we sidekicks are on cleanup duty. Hawks is just too darn quick. But he says this was is the most efficient."
"Too quick my ass. I'm gonna go catch up, you guys can stay here and clean up." Y/N shouted and left the scene, trying to catch up to Hawks as quickly as possible. He had a few questions to ask him. Tokoyami wanted answers too. What was the point of even getting interns to him?

For the rest of the day, it was just clean up and chase. Nothing else. There were a few times Y/N almost caught and Hawks took notice, but was also disappointed Y/N didn't make an attempt to fly once.


"Why did you want us to intern for you?" Tokoyami questioned.
"It's cause we're both birds."
"Are you joking?"
"No, I'm twenty-percent serious. The other fifty-percent of it was because I wanted to talk with someone from Class 1A, about these little punks who attacked you guys, who call themselves the "League of Villains." As for Y/N, I wasn't really considering him. I only chose him because I heard he could fly, so I decided to see how well he could and teach him how to really fly. And well, I heard he challenged the Nomu during the attack and faired against it pretty well." 
"I came here to learn from the number three, not be his cleanup." Y/N said angrily. Tokoyami didn't say anything. Y/N took the words right out of his mouth.
"Woah, don't get mad guys, I did choose you two specifically for a reason. I needed someone who could keep up with me. Someone with a lot of promise. So I figured why not the Birdman and the flying idiot, both from the top three. They look good."

"The hell do you mean by "flying idiot." Y/N questioned as veins appeared on his head.
"Well, ya could've won that final battle easily. You just lost by sliding out, like an idiot. You had that other kid beat."
"Forget I asked, I'm starting to hate being reminded of that blunder." Y/N said in shame.

The week went by without much happening. They explained in detail about the villain attack, they continued chasing after Hawks as well. While Tokoyami made little progress in catching up to Hawks, due to the lack of mobility, Y/N caught up. Once. Only because it was an open area, and he had no buildings to run up, or many obstacles in the way. But he didn't make an attempt to fly that whole week. After the internship ended, they returned home.

"A week-long internship and I learned nothing. I'm not some stupid carrier pigeon." Tokoyami said in frustration.
"Tch, I'm pissed as well. I want to punch him in his smug face. "Keep up.", like seriously? You fly, I haven't learned how to use my stuff to fly effectively yet. It's not even actual flying, just gliding. Whatever man, I'm heading home. I'll see you at school." The two fist-bumped and headed off. This week sucked.

A/N:(Sorry this was a short chapter.)

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