Chapter 5: Trial of Battle - Part 2

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"Alright, Sato here's our options. Option A, we sit here and let Tokoyami and Asui come to us or, my personal favorite choice, I go out and scout them on my own, while you sit here and guard the bomb." Y/N was confident, maybe even a bit cocky in his abilities, but he wasn't stupid. He has plenty of combat experience, maybe even more than you're average pro.
"I don't know Rowe, we don't know much about the other two's full capabilities so going out on your own could be risky. I'd say we go with option A and wait it out." Replied Sato.
"It's cool, both are viable options." And with that Y/N sat down nonchalantly while waiting for his opponents to arrive.

"What is he doing!?" Questioned Kaminari from the monitoring room "He's just sitting there!"
"Maybe he has some kind of plan?" Suggested Momo, although she had to agree, she shared Kaminari's confusion
"Shut up and watch!" Shouted Bakugou.

Suddenly Tokoyami and his dark shadow burst through a wall. Y/N also noticed Asui trying to sneak past them with Tokoyami's commotion.
"Sato hold Tokoyami back, I need to do something."
"Got it." Replied Sato as he started shoving sweets down his throat. After a second he then rushes at Mr. Revelry in the Dark, attempting to hold him back. Meanwhile, Y/N went straight for Asui.
"Hey froggy, thought you could sneak by me?" Said Y/N as he smoke dashed trying to wrap her in capture tape, but she dodged and attempted to grab his ankle with her tongue.
"Woah, don't do that. I don't want to feel your tongue."
Asui then attempted to kick Y/N knowing she couldn't pass him with his intense pursuit. Y/N grabbed her leg with his chain, similarly to Aizawa's techniques with his scarf, and as gently as possible slammed her to the ground and quickly wrapped her with capture tape.
"Sorry, I tried not to slam you hard."
"It's ok, but it looks like your partner is in trouble." Said Asui
Why did she say it? Who knows, but as she did Y/N turned around to a downed Sato. He quickly ran up to Tokoyami to engage him.
"Thanks for holding him back Sato, don't you worry, I'll deal with him no problem." Said Y/N as he clashed with Tokoyami
"Don't be so confident, Rowe, my Dark Shadow and I will win!"
"We'll see about that!" Y/N then blasted him with a smoke rocket at him, but Tokoyami blocked it, albeit he took some damage, though he still blocked. He then began relentlessly attacking Y/N slashing his claws at him. Y/N tried to counter with multiple of his smoke abilities, but he kept blocking them with Dark Shadow.
"Shit man what do I-" just then an idea came to Y/N. "His quirk is Dark Shadow so what if I did this!?" Y/N thought to himself.
Just when Tokoyami was about to attempt a final strike Y/N threw a neon-like grenade at him.
"Didn't wanna reveal this too early, but here goes nothing."
The light from the grenade weakened Dark Shadow and allowed Y/N to quickly incapacitate Tokoyami.

"The villains are victorious!"
"How the hell did he do that!? I thought he only had smoke?" Said a shocked Kirishima
"He has two quirks?" Questioned Todoroki
"Actually he technically has three. He and I have had a few chats, and quirks came up at one point. We both explained ours, and he told me he could do three main things. Smoke, neon, and video manipulation. It's rather intriguing, he said it was passed down from his father and mother, though he didn't go into much more detail." Answered Yaoyorozu.
"Woah he's like crazy strong, no wonder he got recommend." Added Mineta.

Y/N untied Asui and Tokoyami since they weren't too injured they could walk on their own. Sato on the other hand was passed out. Y/N picked him up and headed to the monitoring room.
"Damn you're heavy man." Y/N complained.
As they were heading back Tokoyami spoke up "Rowe, that was quite the impressive performance, you took us both down without much effort."
"I'd have to agree, you are also very skilled with that chain." Added Asui
"Asui, Tokoyami, come on guys don't say that I'll blush." Y/N said jokingly "But in all seriousness, I appreciate it. Don't sell yourselves short though, you both have serious potential."
"Also, Rowe, I'd prefer if you'd call me Tsu from now on."
"Got it we're all friends here, both of y'all just call me Y/N/."

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