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"What. Did. You. Do?"

"I was talking to Blaine," I answered Thief of Space.

Thief wasn't buying it. "It sounded pretty romantic from what I could hear."

I nearly puked. I didn't want any of my relationships to turn out as disgusting as hers. "Romantic? Gross! I don't like making kissy faces at boys, Thief!" I stuck my tongue out. "You sure do!"

Thief of Space rolled her eyes. "What's with you and your little secrets?" She crossed her arms. "Your acting pretty snotty all of a sudden."

I fumed angrily. "You're being such a spoiled brat! You think you know EVERYTHING! Ever since Xiet appeared, you've been so mean to me! You are OBSESSED!" I stomped off without looking back.


I ran into my room and slammed the door behind me. A purple flame appeared in my hand. My magic was taking control, and I set it free. "AAAARGH!" Purple smoke spread throughout the room. Fire scorched what remained of my bed. Using all known enchantments, I exploded the room into splinters and scraps.

I ran outside and away. "SAPPHIRE! SAPPHIRE HELP ME!" I threw myself against a wall. "WHAT'S WRONG WITH ME?! WHY DOES EVERYONE HATE ME SO MUCH?! WHY DO I FEEL LIKE THIS?!" After being with Blaine, Thief of Space and Faven Xiet were worse than the torture Rune had given me.

A figure floated around me. "You wish to know the cause of your friends hatred for you?"

I wailed, "WHY?"

Suddenly, before my eyes, was a palace. Marble floors, silver walls, beautiful immortals and goddesses walking up and down the hallways, and gods filled a vision. Then I came to a candle lit room. On a decorated table, with abundance of food, was a dinner set out for two. Faven Xiet and Thief of Space were hunched over their plates, greedily eating every scrapping.

"This is wonderful!" Thief of Space gobbled down bread after bread.

Faven Xiet only nodded. "Anything for you, Thief of Space."

Thief of Space laughed, "Aren't you just a king?"

The image faded away with their drunken voices, and I wheezed, "This doesn't answer my question..."

The black figure sulked for a moment before another image popped up. I was in a dark, candle lit room. There was barely any other light. Dark figures huddled around the table. Their voices were soft and urgent.

"Her life is mine for the taking..." A man's voice whispered hoarsely.

"No, she isn't. She has her own life," a young woman's voice replied.

The third figure smirked, "It doesn't matter anymore, does it? We have the elements. We don't need the immortal." It was a younger girl, but sass and authority in her voice made her sound like a boss.

On the table were four necklaces. Each necklace had some sort of stone on it. Carved into it were different designs. One was black and white, and was similar to a spiral. The second element was red and blue. It was a heart, with one half on fire, and the other half pure ice. The third stone was simple, or at least it looked normal. No carvings or colors were added, but I could sense deep endless power coming from that stone. The final stone was a sword and crossbow. It had a pale orange color, with some black and red.

"The prophecy can now be completed. We have the four elements!"

The man muttered, "No, we are not done. The prophecy mentioned more than four elements. What was it? Eight at least!"

The third figure sighed, "Then who are we missing?"

The woman stood up. "The prophecy tells of the creator, the thief, the north, the unknown, the ice and fire, the panda, the soldier, the Dunkan, the Jezebel, the Patsy, the Deirdre, and the Mallory."

The man sighed, "Then we must eliminate them all."

A light entered the room as another man entered the room. His voice was hushed, "Eliminate the elements? Or the holders?"

The woman replied, "The holders. All of them must die."

The man smiled. "I'll get Icefire."

The woman nodded. "I'll get Panda and Thief of Space."

The first man laughed, "I will capture the rest!"

I screamed, "WHAT'S GOING ON?!"

A shriek entered my mind, bursting my hearing until my head ached.

I gasped and looked around. I was in my room, which was normal. My bed, walls, and mirrors were in perfect shape. But I was worried. Someone was trying to kill me! I ran out of my room in my Imperial outfit, and saw Blaine waiting for me.

"Icefire! Hey, are you okay?"

I shook my head. "NO I AM NOT OKAY!"

Blaine casually put his hands in his pockets and asked, "What's wrong?"


Blaine's eyes widened. Then he looked suspicious and glared at me. "... Do you know who?"

I shrugged nervously and mumbled, "I don't know, but I'm going to die!"

Blaine clutched something in his pocket and came closer to me. "Look, you need to relax. I'm sure no one is going to kill you."

I shook my head and backed away, "ARE YOU CALLING ME A LIAR?!"

Blaine smiled and suddenly seemed anxious. "No, Icefire."

Something in my mind clicked. "Blaine?"

Blaine looked over at me, and I got a view of something shining in his pocket. I saw a black handle, and a jagged silver blade. "What is it?"

I screamed and ran away from him. I ran out past the doors, upstairs, around the main deck, and saw Thief of Space and Faven Xiet.

Legacy: Can't Calm The StormWhere stories live. Discover now