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The next day, we were at the castle. J'Hero had rebuilt everything- except for the lives. We were alone in an abandoned palace. It was beautiful again, but no one was happy. Thief of Space was packing up her potions, and letting J'Hero shrink them down so that they could all fit in her pocket. J'Hero decided to keep the cutlass I gave him when we met, as a souvenir.

He looked at me. "So, you're staying?"

I nodded slowly. "This is my home. I was here for years. I was raised in this dimension, I won't leave it."

Thief of Space sighed, "That makes sense." She didn't look at me when she headed for the entrance.

When we reached the giant gates, I faked a smile. "I guess I'll see you around."

Thief of Space didn't look at me. She pulled up her hood and hid her face. "Won't you be lonely?"

I shrugged. "Yes, but I can always find ways to..." I realized I had no answer. I would be alone.

J'Hero Bro's silver eyes were clouded with sadness. "Yes, of course... M'lady."

He called me m'lady. Just like he did when we met. I sighed, hoping the snow around me wasn't making my face red. I felt my cheeks freeze. "Well..."

Thief of Space peered over at J'Hero- at least, I think she was looking at him. "J'Hero Bro, it's almost mid- day, we should be going."

Thief of Space took of her hood quickly and walked over to me. She hugged me tightly, and I tried not to whimper. "Goodbye, Icefire."

J'Hero met my eyes, and we stared. We stared into each other's eyes which felt like forever. But he broke the silence. "Farewell, m'lady. I wish you well."

I blinked and wrenched my gaze away from J'Hero Bro. Thief of Space had let go of me and put her hood back up. I watched her back away.

"Goodbye, J'Hero Bro... Assassination man..." I whispered softly to him. He might not have heard me, but he nodded at me.

"Bye, Icefire."

I watched as he turned around. Thief of Space followed him. They didn't look back. Snowflakes slowly drifted from trees and clouds, and my vision blurred. J'Hero and Thief of Space were walking slowly through thick snow; the tension in the air lasted long. I sniffed in the cold as Thief of Space and J'Hero Bro vanished into the woods.

I froze. Everything seemed to be in slow motion. Then I lost it. I whirled around, snow flying, and dashed off to the castle. I tried to hold back my pain as I sprinted to the door. I ran into the palace, up the stairs, into my chamber, and locked the door behind me. I collapsed on the floor and bawled. Trembling, I sobbed over and over until I ran dry of tears. I screamed! Light flashed and lightning shot out of me and hit the wall! I let my magic free, and dark clouds of rain filled my room.

"They won't come back, will they?" I asked myself in a harsh whisper. "They will never be back!"

* * * * * * *

After I had stopped freaking out, I walked into my courthouse. A long table was in the cente, with several chairs alined. I sat in the biggest chair. My magic flowed free, and a glowing purple ball of clouds formed in front of me.

"Show me J'Hero Bro and Thief of Space."

Figures appeared in the cloud. It was J'Hero and Thief of Space. They were surrounded by trees and bushes. They hadn't left the forest yet. I could also hear them talking.

"I wonder why Icefire wanted to stay?" Thief of Space sounded depressed as she climbed over a fallen tree.

J'Hero looked over at her. "It's not our job to judge her decisions. She might have only wanted to stay in her home."

Thief of Space hovered above ground. "But what if she was mad at me and didn't want to be with us?"

I stopped watching them. I let the cloud go on showing me what was happening, but I didn't watch. Thief of Space clearly missed having me around, and J'Hero was almost... Defending me. I shook my head. "Let them be," I told myself.

"- I miss her, too."

I whirled around. Was that who I thought it was?

J'Hero was repeating it slowly. "I miss her, too, Thief."

I walked towards the cloud.

"Then we should go back for her!"

"No, she made up her mind." J'Hero sighed and continued walking.

That surprised me! He said he actually missed me. Now who would expect that? I watched them walk on. As their conversation went on, I felt remorse. I should've left with them. They like me, and I like them. We are friends and we should not be apart!

The worst was yet to come...

"Here's our portal," J'Hero sighed.

A white light was shining from the trees. Shadows were reflecting the trees, and all of the sun's rays were drowned out by the portal.

I watched as the light engulfed all of its surroundings. There was only one way to get to them now. I had to jump through the cloud. I took a deep breath, and got ready to jump. I made sure my tiara was still on, and then faced the portal.


"We can't wait forever!"


"Icefire already made a choice. She isn't coming, let's go now."


"Start walking, then..."


I leaped into the cloud! I felt the silky cloud feeling, then air, and saw pure light! "EEEEK!"

Thief of Space and J'Hero Bro turned around. "Icefire?"

I stood up. "I don't know where you're going..." I said, "But do you have room for one more?"

They nodded and smiled. Grabbing my hand, we walked into the portal. To infinity, to forever, to a life of adventure with each other!

Legacy: Can't Calm The StormWhere stories live. Discover now