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I lunged in front of the fire beast, blocking his metal fist from the humans.

Screams filled the air behind me.

* * * * * * * *

Thief of Space screamed as a giant fist came crashing down on them! "AAAAH!"


Slowly, Thief of Space looked up. Dark brown fur was spiked up, blocking the robot. She blinked and looked twice. The werewolf.


* * * * * * * *


The monster was raged. Fire bellowed, and another metal fist came falling down on me! I blocked it, twisted it, and used all my force to throw him back!


The beast stood up, and charged at us! Flames spread, and the monster threw a metal punch at my snout!

Everything slowed down, I saw blood, the flames, and then the robot.

Kiiiilllllllllllll..... Killllllll...

I roared, screamed, and jumped onto the robot! I sank my teeth into his cyber hands, and chewed them off! I wrestled it onto the ground, landing scratches and dents on its body.

I shrieked and lifted my hands, preparing a final blow.


But the monster took the chance. He opened his mouth, sending fire at my eyes.

Burning pain filled me, I shrieked! I howled and blindly lunged.

I felt the robot beneath me, and I no longer cared if I lost my eyes in this fight. I threw my fangs into the body, and I heard a shrill wail. I wrestled with the beast for my life, striking his metal. I chomped on stinging hot metal, but I didn't care. He was going to go down!

The beast's other hand punched me away, and I could hear footsteps running off.

No... I will not be defeated by scrap metal!

I howled. I howled without thinking, but instinct told me to. The ground trembled, and I could feel the ripple of the metal beast falling to the ground. I scream- howled.

* * * * * * * *

J'Hero Bro stared at the two wrestling creatures. The werewolf had just been burned by flames, and it's eyes were hidden by shadow. Ashes covered where its eyes were. They stared, and watched the metal monster lose an arm, a leg, it's back ripped open, and a head sliced almost precisely in half!

But this beast was about to fight to its death.

Thief of Space gasped as the monster threw a punch at the werewolf, but it came back and pulled off its other arm! The werewolf was shredding up the fire creature, tearing it apart.

* * * * * * * * *

I attacked blindly, throwing the flaming beast to the ground, destroying the metal creature! I pushed it down, and sank my long teeth into its circuits! I bellowed and sliced open something! I didn't know what I was doing, but I kept doing it. Blind, I howled and ripped through wires, iron, steel, and scattered flames! I felt heat rise up on my back, and it spread across my neck and tail. Scorching pain up to hundreds of degrees lit me up. I was on fire! But I wouldn't stop!


I let out all my rage...

I shot out all my magic...

The robot creature beneath me caved in on itself, and I fell to the ground in a heap. I gasped for breath, and wailed. I whimpered. I didn't know if I won, but I think I did. Just this once, I believe I defeated it.

But my back was being burnt, rotting flesh and blood caught my nose. It smelled bad, so very bad!

Then everything went black. I woke up in a black hole. Darkness was everywhere.

"Icefire... It's me, Sapphire."

I looked around, able to see again. My eyes saw a pale green- skinned woman with lava- red hair and baggy eyes. Her dress was pure white, but faded into the dark.

"I have healed you. You may wake up from your slumber now..."

Whispers echoed softly as I gained conscious. I slowly began to see my surroundings. I saw the boy and girl, and they were staring. The boy had been shot with an arrow, and silver blood was dripping out of his wound. The girl was staring at me with pure white eyes, and she was ducking behind the boy.

I felt my muscles ache as I stood up. I lumbered over to them and sniffed at the arrow. It was some type of dart. It was coated with a vile stench, and it smelled of blood and poison. I growled in disgust.

The girl was staring in shock, not moving. She began making noises, opening and closing her mouth. I couldn't understand her. But I knew that the dart had been drugged. This man needs medicine, or he will not survive.

I sniffed around for any trace of a magical potion. I caught a whiff of magic, and I followed the trail to a tiny bag. My long claws carefully searched through the pouch, trying not to rip it. Inside was a vile. It was curvy, and had a light pink liquid inside.

There. Perfect.

I padded over to the boy, and bent over. My paws caught a grip on the tiny bottle, and I let the liquid drip onto the body.

The pale blood faded away, and the arrow disappeared. He was healed. I nodded briefly before turning around.

Then I heard the girl yell.

I heard the sound of an arrow flying.

Then the pain of being shot, as blood bursted out from my chest.

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