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The planet was erupting in flame, rocks and silver lava exploding from the orange center! It was caving in on itself, and blowing up in a matter of seconds! Everything had dissolved into concrete pebbles.


Thief of Space came rushing into the room. "Is everyone okay?!"

I saw something strange through the window. It almost looked like... A person. He was floating aimlessly in space.

"North? Who is that?"

An orange haired head popped up, "What is what?"

Then she saw it, too. A man in a white uniform was right outside the window, floating in space.

Thief of Space looked over at the window. "Icefire, open the hatch! Quickly, before he dies!"

I was outraged. "That man is wearing a white robe! He is Confederate!"

North got up. "We just cant let him die, though." She walked up to the glass and looked at him. Comparing their heights, the man must be at least 19 years old.

Thief of Space glared at me. "It doesn't matter. That man is going to die and I will not let you get in the way of helping him." She walked over to the window and pulled out a knife. She began cutting the glass.

I crossed my arms and growled. I would let her heal him, but once he is healed, he will leave.

North ran over to help her. They cut open a window, and pulled the boy through the opening. North closed the window behind her and set him on the floor.

Thief of Space looked at his face. "He is in good condition, but he has lost a lot of oxygen. I will take him to my chamber."

North carried him over to the room. In minutes, they had set him on the floor, leaning against the wall. I inspected him carefully. He had really dark hair, light skin, and no bruises. But he seemed to wheeze a lot.

Suddenly his eyes flew open.

"He's awake!" North gasped.

I stared at him. Crystal blue eyes, sleek as silk. They shimmered, and I could see the reflection of stars in his black pupils. The way his bangs covered hit forehead made me want to play with his hair. I wanted to fix his bangs, but North was talking.

"Did you hear me Icefire?"

I wrenched my gaze away from him and faced North. "No, I'm sorry. Can you repeat that?"

North pointed at the boy. "He said something."

"... Icefire...?"

I looked over at the soldier. "What did you call me?"

His eyes filled with fear. "Icefire!"

I backed up. "That's me..."

"I know what you are..." His voice was loaded with fear. But there was also an edge. He was warning me.

I stood in front of North. "Stay back!"

He lunged for my foot and grabbed hold. "Immortal! War Immortal!"

That's impossible! How could he have known? Not even North knows about me being an immortal! She does not believe in magic. "I don't know what you're talking about!"

He wouldn't give up. He stayed on my foot and glared. "War Immortal!"

I pushed North aside. "Run, North!"

I turned back to him and growled. "How do you know this?"

His eyes were cloudy, and he began to sweat. "J'Hero Bro... He is coming back."

I stared. "Back? I haven't seen him in almost 1000 years!"

His eyes wavered. "Promises will always be broken..."

Sapphire... She had told me those words long ago. But even she has kept her distance.

"They are coming for you. You will soon make a connection- with the dead."

"Well, when is 'soon?'"

He stared. "After you turn that girl... North... into something unspeakable..."

I glared. "I do not always enjoy riddles, mister."

He let go and backed off. "You will see them again. I promise you..."

I blinked. "How do you know this? How do you know J'Hero Bro?"

Fear crossed him, and he backed away. "He is to be the great distruction of his past, present, and future!"

I stared. "How can he be his own distruction?"

He shivered. "No one knows for sure. But it is told that he will destroy himself." He rushed up to me. "Sapphire is coming! Do not forget her!"

I sighed. This was going no where. "What about her?"

His eyes rolled back into his head. "Sss... S- Sapphire..."

I screamed, "Thief! THIEF OF SPACE!"

He coughed and rolled around on the floor. "Don't- don't hurt me," he mumbled. His eyes were now pitch black, and he was growing more pale by the minute!


He lunged at me and glared. "SAPPHIRE! SAPPHIRE YOURE IN DANGER!"

I fell back and watched him crawl around like a mad man. He scraped the floor and began hitting the walls! "LET GO OF ME!"

I screamed as he began running at me! He jumped over me and hit the wall! The man shrieked and blindly waved around the room.

But suddenly he growled. He roared and leaped at me, outstretching his arms and wrangled me! "IT'S YOU! SAPPHIRE I FOUND THE CHOSEN ONE!"


"ICEFIRE!" Thief of Space came running into the room. She pulled him off of me and told me to run. "GO!"

I shrieked and ran off. What in the world was that?

Legacy: Can't Calm The StormМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя