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It's been three months since I have seen J'Hero Bro. I was assuming he would've stayed in the kingdom, but I guess not. He left me in the woods, without looking back. Thinking about the assassin left a sinking feeling in my gut. Shaking the thought out of my mind, I tried to concentrate on the repeated death threats I have been receiving from my enemy. The war had to come to an end, and fast.

"Your majesty!"

I looked around to see the duke, standing nervously by my door.

"Your majesty, it's quite urgent."

I nodded and followed the duke outside of my tower. I already knew what was going on before he told me... The battle has begun.

"The Outsiders are attacking the palace courts! They are trying to blow up the main gate."

I glared at the mob of ninja warriors sending smoke and dust up into the air. You could hear rocks and bricks crumbling from the tower, and I was not about to let it happen.

So I gave my orders, "Fight back! I want the commanding army to attack as soon as they enter the palace! Have all of your archers take them out!"

The duke saluted me and ran off, shouting out orders. "Archers to the main entrance! NOW! All warriors get to the entrance now!"

But suddenly the ground trembled... The fog cleared... And I got a clear view of the gate. It had been demolished.

Battle cry echoed. The enemy has entered the court. They have come.

I looked around, panicking. The duke had already ran off to battle, leading dozens of fighters.

"Hold them off!"

But the Outsiders had already thrown several bombs at the towers, exploding blocks and houses. The castle was being destroyed before me! My home!


Rock and dust flew past my head, shooting over the tower. The ground below me was failing to hold. The bricks crumbled, smoke flew, and I fell!


I could hear the clanging of swords under me as the tower began to collapse above me! Everything was dusty, and I was afraid for my kingdom-


The wind was knocked out of me as someone jumped up to snatch me out of the sky! We hurdled away from the falling castle, landing on top of the fence walls.

"Who are you?!" I screamed in terror.

But... No...

I couldn't believe what I saw. Brown long hair, a dark gray cape was hiding the face, and bright red boots. The person's shirt was pitch black, with a white design in the middle, similar to a galaxy. "I'm sorry!" It sounded exactly like she was my age... And a girl.

"Who are you?"

The girl was trying to avoid me now, getting up and walking way.

"Hey! I'm not mad at you!"

She froze. She turned around, shielding her face from me.

"Who are you?"

She wouldn't move her hands. But she answered, "Thief of Space."

I stood up and slowly approached her, my rescuer. I gently grasped her arms, and she flinched. But I still began to pull down her hands. Then I saw her face. She had light skin, and a sweet, hopeful smile. But her eyes were white. Pure white. It would've sounded scary, but it was quite beautiful. She was beautiful.

"It's nice to meet you," I replied, giving her my best smile.

Cries and shrieks filled the air, interrupting our talk. Thief of Space looked at me nervously. "Follow me, quick!"

So I did. We ran along the wall, heading for the remains of the entrance. Entrance? What? No! "No!"

She turned around to face me. "What's wrong? Did you get shot?"

I glared. "No, I'm not shot!" I started backing up, trying to get out of there. Back to battle, I would not run away! "I WILL NOT LET YOU TAKE ME AWAY!"

Thief of Space seemed crestfallen. "Your majesty, I need you to leave. The Outsiders have already destroyed most of the castle. They have slaughtered your army and village. There is nothing left for you here."

"What? No..." My eyes became blurry. How could this have happened to me- to innocent people?

Thief Thief of Space headed towards me. "Icefire, we need to get out of here."

My eyes popped open. "What did you call me?"

"I know who you are, please come! J'Hero Bro sent me."

The name sent chills up my spine. "J'Hero Bro?" Hearing that familiar name melted my heart. My friend had not forgotten me, he sent someone to help me! "Where is he?"

Before she could answer me, an arrow flew right over Thief of Space's head. A warrior from the enemy pointed at us! "There she is! THE QUEEN!"

I gasped as the Warriors ran for us!

"Jump!" Thief of Space told me before lunging to the ground.

I leaped, happy to land in a moat of water. "Swim! Swim!"

We dashed across the river, sprinted for the woods, and disappeared.

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