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I rounded the corner swiftly, avoiding the lighting strike. I heard horrific screams as the fire spread faster and hotter.

Tension inside me sparked in anger and worry. I'm dangerous. I'm a weapon.

I saw Bethany hiding out in the cave, and I thought about why she was here in the first place. Sapphire did this.

Sapphire did all of this.

"Mommy?" Bethany squealed in pain. "Mommy..."

I ran close to her tiny body. I scooped her up into my arms and whispered harshly, "Learn to run away from danger!"

Bethany whimpered and clutched my red dress. "Stop. Mommy!" Her voice was small and innocent against my fierce whispers. "They are dying..."

I looked over the teetering edge of the dome. The Mythreans were pathetic and weak. But ever single one of them was being killed over and over again. "So what?"

Bethany's eyes widened. "There are babies in there."

I growled, "So?"

"I am Mommy's baby."

I froze. "You think I'm going to hurt you?"

Bethany flinched as I stroked her cheek. She began to whimper as a tear fell from her eye. "I don't want you to kill."

Emotion swept over me as I imagined Bethany getting stabbed repeatedly. I murmured, "I don't like to kill."

"I just want you to be my Mommy."

I suddenly realized I had a choice. I can give my baby girl a better life than this horrific murder dome. The Fire Pit was no place for Bethany. The only way to escape here is... "No, Sapphire won't let me escape. "

Bethany turned her big, sad eyes away from me.

I sighed and set Bethany down. "I'm sorry."

Bethany whimpered, "Don't kill again!"

"Bethany, I have no choice. I'm sorry. You deserve better... But I cannot leave." I ran away from her and left her under the rock and flaming lava.

Bethany's tiny wails were drowned out by the screams of terrified Mythreans. "ICEFIRE!" "Save me, please!" "Mercy!" "My children are dying, Icefire!"

I gasped. I couldn't bare staring at them anymore. "I'm sorry!" I cried and pulled out a knife. "I'm so sorry!"

Bethany's voice cried, "Mommy!"

I have to end the suffering. I can't handle the pain anymore. Mythreans are dying... I screamed. The knife had been jabbed into me. I jabbed harder and harder, and then pushed the blade deep into my chest. Harder... Deeper... Until the world blurred and blood gushed out of me.

Darkness enslaved me. I was chained against a wall of blackness. I looked ahead and saw a chair. A dark figure was sitting, and a voice whispered, "Another?"

I froze. "Who are you?"

The dark figure came closer, and I gasped at the fire hair and green skin.



I struggled desperately, but the chains held me down. "Where's Bethany?"

"Here with me. She's a lovely companion..." Sapphire outstretched her hand, revealing Bethany floating beside her. Her eyes were open, but glazed with emptiness.

"Is she...?"

"Dead? No. Only stunned." Turning, Sapphire revealed another figure chained to a wall. A broad man in light clothing was chained up.

He coughed weakly, "Help..."

I growled, "What are you doing?"

Sapphire's skin oozed over her wrinkles like mud. "The question is: what are you doing, Icefire?" Sapphire whispered, "Do you wish to sacrifice yourself to the Fire Pit in return for the safety of Mythrea and your family?"

I paused. "I have no family."

"Oh yes, you do! Bethany and Blaine?"

The man looked up, and a light caught him. It was Blaine; chained helplessly to the dark wall of obsidian. "Icefire!" He gasped, "Your eyes aren't yellow anymore...!"

Sapphire shrilled, "That's because she is rejecting her hatred! She wishes to free the Mythreans!"

Blaine pleaded, "But that's a good thing!"

Sapphire cooed, "Not when I'm Icefire's master."

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