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"I'm telling you Thief, she claimed to know my father!" I was in Thief of Space's healing room. I had explained the whole story to her, and she was examining Rune.

Thief of Space sighed, "I don't want to be a Know- it- All, but I will need her DNA to truly know if this creature is who she claims to be." She took out her potions crate and searched through it carefully, speaking as she worked. She continued, "As for Rune, he seems to be fine. I only see some scars and bruises, but I think they were always there."

I clenched my hands into fists. "Well, I'm not lying!"

Thief of Space replied, "I never said you were. I'm just saying you could've had a hallucination. Maybe you didn't sleep well." She took out a sheet of old paper. It was brown, wrinkled, and frail. "Then again, I still have this paper. When you read this and you turned into a werewolf at Cherry Kingdom... Well, it says some names."

I remembered reading a paper with some names in it before I mutated long ago. "What does it say?"

"I'm not sure if I should read this, I might turn into a werewolf, too. But..." Thief of Space sighed, "Get a potion ready. I'll read it."

I grabbed the green vile I take every now and then to calm my inner wolf. "This one?"

Thief of Space nodded and began to read, "Ïćęfírē, Śäfírę, äñd Jæfïré."

Nothing happened.

Thief of Space got up. "Your name is on here. What is that ghost's name?"

I answered, "Sapphire."

Thief of Space looked at the paper. "It's here. There is clearly a connection with both you and Sapphire, but who is Jæfïré?"

I shrugged. "I have never heard of that person."

Thief of Space put the paper away. "Very well, then."

I sat down beside the unconcious Rune, who was no longer gray and wrinkled. "Keep an eye on Rune. I want him sent back to the Confederacy ASAP."

Thief of Space nodded. "Of course, Icefire."

I left the room quietly and closed the door behind me. As I walked around the empty halls, I felt very revealed. I felt as if I was unprotected. I mean, Sapphire, my mother? How could that be possible?


I looked around. A lonely sheet of paper was lying on the ground. "Hello?"

A shadow slid across the floor and came into view. Rune.

"You were just in the - what?" I whirled around. How did Rune do that?

Sapphire appeared behind Rune. His face began to fade into a gray, wrinkly appearance.

"Did you really think we would let you get away that easily?" Sapphire turned to Rune and gave him a knife. She nodded at him, and they grabbed me.

"HEY LET GO!" I screamed and screamed, but nobody came. My head hit the floor, cracking the concrete. My head was pounding so hard, I began to get dizzy, and then I couldn't move. I felt light headed.

Rune grabbed the knife and bent over my leg. He pressed the sharp blade into my skin, and blood began dripping out. Pain tingled, but I was too unconcious to think straight. My head was still spinning from the hit.

Sapphire watched pleasingly from a distance as Rune began cutting my leg. Scraping off skin and blood, his knife painfully peeled my leg. But I was too sick to my stomach already to think about him.

The next thing I knew, I was on top of the Battlestation. Space was all around me, and my skin was beginning to blister and bulge. I was turning pale, and the sun's rays were practically frying me alive! I shrieked for help! "HELP! MY SKIN! I'M EXPOSED, I NEED HELP!"

An alarm suddenly went off. I whirled around. Confederate ships were closing in on my fleet. Not now! I couldn't have more problems!

In the distance, Thief of Space and North were coming out with the Imperial soldiers. Theif of Space was hiding behind a vessel, preparing to heal. Meanwhile, North was shouting orders at my army, "OKAY, ROW ONE, FIRE!"

Guns went off, bullets flew towards the ships. Lazers struck us back! It was combat time, now. I turned back to Rune, who was shriveling and decaying in the sun. I hissed, "Go back to your Commander, Rune!" I screamed in fury and lunged at him, pushing him off my ship! He floated down... Down... Down. "Goodbye, Rune."

My legs suddenly regained health, and my skin grew back to normal. I stopped losing blood, and I marched into battle. Grabbing my guns from North, I began shooting at Confederate soldiers. "COME ON BABIES, WHY CAN'T YOUR OWN LEADER FIGHT?!" I challenged them angrily, "IS HE BEING A COWARD? IS COMMANDER BLAINE TOO WEAK TO FIGHT ME?!"

The Confederate soldiers separated, giving me a clear view of a man in a pure white uniform. He had a white cloak, and a white belt, holding several knives. There, for the first time, I was seeing Blaine in person. I smirked, "So, this is your leader? THIS IS IT? THAT IS YOUR COMMANDER?!"

Blaine stepped forward, and walked to me slowly with his hood over his face. I mocked him, "THIS IS YOUR COMMANDER?! THE STRONG, THREATENING, CONFEDERATE COMMANDER BLAINE?! THIS IS A MAN IN TIGHTS AND A LADY'S DRESS! YOU CANNOT BE SERIOUS!"

Blaine stopped. He pulled off his cloak, and it drifted away. I saw his face: dark black hair, slightly tanned skin, pure brown eyes. He was... Handsome. Very good- looking, I must admit. But hey, good looks don't win wars. I too, pulled off my blue cloak, revealing myself. I was wearing a pitch black outfit. Black shirt, black pants, black belt, dark blue boots, and pockets on both sides of my legs, holding knives. My hair had grown twice its size, and it flowed freely in the wind. Sassy, elegant, and totally bad. That's what I looked like in that battle.

I noticed Blain was staring. Good. I'd better be looking sharp, too. But I seized his moment of distraction, and twirled in the air, landing right next to him. I kicked him in the rib cage, and he had a fall. I smirked, "Weak."

But a strong voice replied, "No. You just happen to be too girly for war." Blaine stood up and faced me head on.

I glared. "Don't get on my bad side, boy."

Blaine smirked and ran his fingers through his hair. "I don't fight girls, missy."

I twirled my sword, flipping it in the air and catching it. I set the sword down and pulled out my guns. I began twirling them and then jumped, shooting his cape. I dropped to the ground and began to show off my skills. I danced with my weapons, several times nearly slicing his neck. My black outfit began to glow neon colors, and I was twirling in circles. After my neon colors faded away, I stood face to face with Blaine. His mouth was wide open in shock, but he quickly closed it. "Very well," he said, "I'll take on this nasty sass master."

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