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I crept closer to the aircraft. "You're Thief of Space?"

The figure nodded and walked towards me. Her eyes were pure white, and she wore a dark gray cloak. Her hair was brown, and her skin was light. But she wore dark clothing.

I stepped forward and whispered, "My name is Panda."

Thief of Space approached me and asked, "Are you afraid of me? You are suddenly quiet."

A loud shout suddenly rang in my ears as a man lept in front of me with a sword. He had a bulletproof vest and a belt of daggers. His cloak was gray, but severely burnt, ripped, and tattered. "BACK OFF!"

I gasped and fell backwards, just as a pistol was positioned against my neck.

"FAVEN XIET! IT'S JUST A GIRL!" Thief of Space stood between us. She repeated softly, "It's just a girl..."

The man, Faven Xiet, backed up slowly.

A young girl, probably only 13, ran to Thief of Space. Her hair was ginger and short. She wore a red and black outfit, similar to a ninja's. Her eyes were a deep green, and her face was slightly tanned. A wolf with robotic wings padded after her. "What's going on?"

A young man, probably 19, followed behind her. His hair was wavy and black, and he wore a white uniform with a flowing cape. He was less muscular then Faven Xiet, but I knew I was in the midst of tough people.

Thief of Space helped me up and replied, "This girl was right outside our spaceship."

The younger girl and her wolf pet stared at me. "Her outfit looks kind of like mine! Except hers is black and white," she smiled proudly and added, "Mine is black and red."
I felt like I was being inspected ruthlessly. Uncomfortable, I asked, "Do you have names?"

Thief of Space gasped, "Oh! Sorry, how rude of me! My name is Thief of Space." She pointed to the muscular Faven Xiet and continued, "This is Faven Xiet; formally J'Hero Bro."

The young girl waved her hand and laughed, "My name is North!" She patted her wolf's head. "This is Beam, my cyber wolf."

The last man with the white uniform finished off with a blunt, "Blaine. It's a pleasure..."

I mumbled, "I'm Panda."

North sat by me and wrapped her arm around my head and laughed, "Nice to meet you! But we have to ask you a few questions."

Remembering Icefire, I knew these were Icefire's friends. I had to tell them the message. "Heh, I have to talk to you, too."

North jumped up and stood by Blaine. "Have you seen a woman lately?"

Thief of Space muttered under her breath, "...Other than your reflection ..."

I bit my lip. "What does she look like?"

Faven Xiet answered sarcastically, "She is stubborn, she likes to lie, and she has a habit of-"

"ENOUGH!" Thief of Space crossed her arms and sighed, "I'm tired of you two fighting all the time!"

North decided to answer. She said, "Her name is Icefire. Last time we saw her she was wearing a dark, dark blue uniform- almost black. She has long brown hair and blue eyes."

Icefire? This didn't sound like the Icefire I knew. Maybe I made a mistake.

Blaine added, "She's attractive?"

Thief of Space glared with white slits at him. "Shut up." Thief of Space turned to me and explained, "They had a romantic relationship."

I nodded and looked over at Faven Xiet. "Can you tell me more?"

North eagerly nodded back and answered, "Yes! Icefire was the Commander of the Imperial Legion. She was friends with me, J'Hero Bro, and Thief of Space. But Blaine's Confederate army came and attacked us. J'Hero Bro ended up being murdered by an unknown killer. In that same war, Icefire met Blaine face to face! They ended up liking each other. Thief of Space was very upset at J'Hero Bro's death, so upset that she kissed J'Hero Bro when he came back to life. Faven Xiet is one of J'Hero Bro's many lives." North took a deep breath and continued, "But Icefire got jealous of Thief of Space suddenly ignoring her and treating her like dirt. Besides the fact that Faven here kept rudely ignoring her, and eventually called her out on being jealous."

Faven Xiet grumbled.

"Anyways, Thief of Space got pretty ticked, too. So they both yelled at Icefire and told her she was useless, a liar, stubborn, and they didn't want her in their lives!"

I stared in shock. "Whoa..."

Thief of Space stepped close to us and murmured, "I feel sorry for what I said to her. But she has disappeared. Faven Xiet used his powers to track her down, and it lead us to here."

Blaine seemed nervous. He scratched his head and muttered, "I need to see her. She thought I was going to kill her with my knife. But I was really keeping it with me at all times for protection."

Thief of Space sighed, "You scared her, that's for sure."

North hugged Beam and whispered hoarsely, "I just want to see her again. What if she's abandoned all alone in the wild?"

Everyone waited for Faven Xiet to speak. He groaned, "Fine. I guess we can check on her. But I don't want anything else to do with that ... IMMORTAL ever again."

North almost snickered. "Didn't find the right name to call her?"

Faven Xiet rolled his eyes and looked at me. "Do you know where we can find Icefire?"

I nodded and replied, "Actually... She sent me to give you a message."

Thief of Space glanced at me curiously. "What is the message?"

I gulped and answered, "She told me to give J'Hero Bro, Thief of Space, and North a message." I remembered Icefire's flaming scepter burning my family, and her words echoed in my head. "Tell them I have captured Mythrea. The Mythreans are captured..." I looked at North and said, "She murdered my family."

Faven Xiet glared and muttered, "Impossible."

"She will not hesitate to kill them...She will not hesitate..."

This time Faven Xiet listened. He murmured, "Where is she?"

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