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When morning came, we all decided to leave for a better hideout. Since we were practically in the backyard of the Cherry Kingdom, it was a smart choice.

Thief of Space had stuffed cookies, bread, apples, and drinks she had gotten from a foreign dimension. She said it was bubbly and came in "cans." It was a weird sugar drink called "soda."

J'Hero Bro told me that he would take us to a home far away from here where we could stay for a while. I agreed that it sounded like a good idea.

"Can you help me with this box?" Thief of Space was carrying a wooden crate and the bag of soda and food.

"Sure thing," I nodded, grabbing the crate.

"Thank you," she replied. But as I headed out of the mushroom house, I noticed that she was staring at me with her white eyes.

"I won't drop it. It's not even heavy." I looked at the crate, hearing glass bottles bump against each other. "What's in this crate, anyways?"

Thief of Space didn't answer. She turned her head away, avoiding me talking to her. Great.... Does everyone have to hide secrets from me?

J'Hero Bro called us over. "Hurry! I won't wait forever!"

Thief of Space and I hurried to him quickly.

"I can teleport us to the house. But you will have to be holding on to me."

I grabbed the crate with one hand, and tried to touch J'Hero Bro with the other. Then my hand slipped, and the crate fell. "EEEEK!" I caught it fast, and stood up. Thief of Space was giving me the largest stare I have ever seen.

"I have it. I caught it, Thief-"

"Don't. Do. That. Ever." She was squinting her colorless eyes, glaring.

I looked down at my feet. "Sorry." Wasn't she grateful I even caught it?

J'Hero Bro faced me. "Use both hands. I can hang on to you," he suggested.

I nodded.

Thief of Space hauled the bag over her shoulders and scooted closer to J'Hero Bro. Using her free hand, she grabbed his shoulder.

J'Hero Bro grabbed my shoulder and asked, "Are you ready?"

We nodded and replied, "Ready."

J'Hero Bro glowed pure white, shimmering like the sun. It nearly blinded me, and then there was nothing. Silence and white was everywhere, until I heard a voice.


I looked around, but saw no one. "J'Hero Bro? Thief of Space?"

Whispers floated away, sounds of women echoed softly. "Icefire, we are here." "Come to us, we know about your deepest desires." Another voice whispered, "You are not safe, my queen."

I panicked. "Who are you?"

But the voices became one. "Icefire. I will help you. I am here for you. Whatever comes, know that I am here."

I was only slightly calmed. "Who are you- really?"

"My name is Sapphire, I am your guardian. You are in my hands now."

I felt a tug in my stomach as a shade of black entered my vision.

Then, from the light, came a small piece of parchment. It was folded, so I assumed if I unfolded it, it would turn out to be bigger. But the light was retreating as the paper landed in my hands.

"Goodbye Icefire. Remember that promises are always broken..."

I stared at the remains of light fading away. Something about her made me feel uneasy, but I felt drawn to her presence. She must be a type of immortal.


I stared into the blackness. "Sapphire? Where are we?"

"Icefire? Icefire?"

I stared into the blackness, and saw small flying figures. Bats, screeching and flying past my head, appears from the dark.


Voices squawked around me. "Icefire! Icefire! Icefire, get up! Come with us, Icefire!"

I screamed, clutching the paper in my hands. "Stay away!"


* * * * * * * * *


"She won't get up," Thief of Space replied.

J'Hero Bro groaned and hit a tree, so hard that it cracked and fell to the ground. "Why won't she WAKE UP?!"

The girl panicked. "Why won't she just wake up?"

Icefire was lying in a heap. Her face was pale, and her eyes were squeezed shut. She seemed to be sweating. Her hands were clenched in fists, and she would not move.

Thief of Space gasped and stared at the boy. "W- What if..."

He looked at her. "What?"

Thief of Space but her lip and looked in horror at Icefire. "What if you... What if you-"

"Just. Say. It."

Thief of Space glared at him. "WHAT IF YOU KILLED HER?! WHAT THEN?"

They froze. They were in a deep bracken. A house made from logs and Quartz was up at the top of a hill. If they climbed the hill, they would cross a bridge and be at the house in no time. But would they leave Icefire?

J'Hero Bro sat down. "She cannot be dead, m'lady."

Thief of Space sighed and stared at him. "I will take her to the house. You can help me- No. You WILL help me."

J'Hero Bro and Thief of Space carried the body up the hill, across the bridge and into the house.

Thief of Space pulled the crate open, and searched inside of it. Bottle after bottle of poison, potions, and cures had been jammed inside. Then she found it - a bottle with a pale green liquid inside. The bottle had been marked with strange symbols: §çł.

Thief of Space walked over to Icefire, and opened her mouth. She opened the bottle and tipped it over. One... Two... Three drops. "That should be enough."

* * * * * * * * *

Green poison was swamping the blackness, choking the bats. I screamed over and over as the liquid sucked me in, pulling me further away from light. I was coughing up vile yellow spit; choking on green mush. "Help!"

Bright green filled my vision, but it became more vivid. Shadows and figures appeared. Different colors entered my sight. Leaves? Shadows?

Looking around, I saw that I was in a room. It was lit up with glowing torches.


I saw a blurry shade of gray and black. Pure white eyes were shining and looking down on me.

"Thief? Thief of... Space?"

Thief of Space gasped and lunged at me, squeezing me. She was going to kill me! "LET GO!"

But I heard a soft whimper coming from her. She kept squeezing me, and I realized that she was only hugging me.

"Icefire! You scared us..."

I never knew that Thief of Space would've missed me. Awkwardly, I gently hugged her back.

J'Hero Bro was in the corner, staring with wide eyes.

I coughed weakly and let go of Thief of Space. I walked over to him, and smiled. "You didn't miss me, did you?" I added a little chuckle to show that I wasn't offended. After all, he was only a boy.

His eyes shined back. I thought I saw light in his eyes, but I couldn't tell. He didn't answer me, but he didn't need to. Whether he missed me or not didn't matter. I was back. If he missed me, that was cool. If he didn't, he's going to have to live with me around.

"So, J'Hero Bro, what should we do now?"

He looked back at me. "Just call me J'Hero."

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