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The night came like a thief. Unexpectedly, I slept with my new friends. But Faven Xiet wanted to ask me several questions about where Icefire was. I replied, "I don't know, actually. I was teleported here."

But I did suspect that it would be easy to find a giant dome than some people. So I had faith. Curling up beside North and Thief of Space on the grass; I fell asleep.



I was in a black room when I saw faces from a distance. They were people. It was North, Thief of Space, Faven Xiet, Blaine, and my family. "Guys?" I stretched my hand out to touch them, but I couldn't reach.



Scared, I began pounding on what seemed to be a window of glass. A thick black ooze was wrapping around my ankles, trapping me. "NO! MAKE IT STOP!"

My mom began pointing at me, and laughed. My brother was wailing, and my father clapped his hands together. "PANDA!"

I felt the ooze's stench rise and smell like gasoline.

North and Faven Xiet were ignoring me. Thief of Space began cheering, and Blaine threw knives at me through the glass.


Even Beam, North's wolf, was clawing viciously at me behind the window.

Icefire threw fire and rained hailstones down on me from above. "I HATE HIM!"







I murmured through oil, and the air was stagnant with decay.


I let out my last breath before failing to get out.


The blackness surrounded me, and I groaned through the thick muck.


Suddenly, ice cold water poured all over me. I shot up and saw North staring at me.

North commented, "You have nightmares a lot, don't you?"

I shrugged.

Faven Xiet muttered, "Let's go."

Thief of Space followed Faven Xiet through a river. We all trudged through thick mud to the other side.

North approached me and began rambling about topics I didn't understand. She would rant on Icefire and her wolf side, and she laughed at her fun moments.

Then we came upon dry grass and wheat fields. But the wheat was scorched to the ground. Only ashes remained. The sky was stark and gray. Lifeless stalks of bracken hung from bare trees.

Thief of Space gasped, "What happened here?"

I felt the memory of fire wanting to crawl up my arms and burn my skin. "It was Icefire. She did this to us."

Faven Xiet faced me and looked in my eyes. "What happened to Mythrea."

All of the terrible memories of fire and death overflowed me, and I could barely remember the beauty of Mythrea before...

Faven Xiet pulled away. His eyes were suddenly a deep gray. "Icefire burnt up every last crop and is planning on keeping the people in a dome of fire for eternity..."

North shook her head and crossed her arms doubtfully. "This can't be right."

I sighed at the thought of fire. "It's true."

Thief of Space whimpered slightly, "How could she?"

Faven Xiet sighed, "Panda's memories recall of Icefire screaming, 'I HATE HIM' at all of her victims."

I nodded nervously. "She's crazy..."

Faven Xiet sat down in the ashes and refused to move. He kneeled by the remains of bones in silence.

North sighed, "Is there anything left?"

I shook my head. "The nearest land that Icefire hasn't harmed is the forest we came out of. But Mythrea is destroyed."

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