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"What was that?"

Sapphire sat in my chair. "Well, it was a sign of passion. I believe you call it 'affection.'"

I paced the room. I was very flustered at what happened. Slightly jealous, but also confused. I have been through so much pain, torment, war, and threats. J'Hero Bro had died, and his new life comes to me and tries to kill me! Sapphire and Rune torture me and laugh at me. Thief of Space hides like a coward in war while I fight for the ones I love, yet she gets a kiss? "It's not like I wanted Xiet to kiss me, no... I am just stunned. Right beside me, they go straight into passion?! Who does that?"

Sapphire sighed, "Most people."

I groaned. "Well, I'm sorry I called you here on such short notice. But you were the only one who would talk to me."

For a minute, I thought I saw compassion in her eyes, but it was gone as soon as it came. "Whatever."

I paced the room again. "I fight in wars, I get tortured. I had my flesh cut off my legs, nearly got pushed off into space, I even fought in a war to defend my home! Thief of Space did nothing but mourn and hide during war!"

Sapphire suddenly got interested. "Are you jealous?"

I whirled around. "I am not interested in kissing J'Hero Bro, if that's what you mean. But Thief of Space finds passion and affection, and I don't."

Sapphire ghostly moved around the room. "Explain."

"I worked hard to defend my home at war, I wanted North to be safe, I was brutally tortured by Rune- no offense- and I don't get to be happy?"

Sapphire hovered over me. "I understand your hate."

I backed away. "I don't hate Thief of Space. I'm just disappointed... I guess. I don't know."

Sapphire stroked my hair. "Daughter, I hate to see you like this. You should go and talk to them."

The way she said that made me nervous. But I nodded and left the room.

Thief of Space and Faven Xiet were on the balcony.

"Why are you so funny?" Thief of Space smirked and laughed again.

Faven shrugged, "I wouldn't say I'm funny."

I walked to them casually. "Hey guys," I said. I smiled, but nobody smiled back.

Thief of Space kept laughing until she noticed me. "Oh, hi, Icefire."

Faven Xiet looked over at me, barely interested. "Can I help you?"

I shrugged. "I was just checking in on you guys."

Thief of Space sighed, "Oh. We're fine. Just catching up, I guess."

I decided to get to the point. "Um, hey, Xiet?"

He glared at me. "It's Faven Xiet, actually."

I scratched my head and replied, "Oh. I was wondering... Why did you want to see me? You know, before you got your memory..."

Faven Xiet looked like he could care less. "I was hired. I had already been hired to kill J'Hero Bro, and I did."

I butted in, "You can't kill yourself."

Faven Xiet muttered, "I just time traveled."

I smirked, "Oh. Well, what made you get your memory back?"

Faven Xiet ignored me this time and slouched over.

Thief of Space crossed her arms. "Icefire, I think you're being really nosey right now, don't you think?"

I felt hurt. "What? No- I wasn't trying to be nosey! I was just asking him-"

Faven Xiet turned around and glared at me. "Don't you have something better to do?"

I stared, speechless. I could barely speak. "I-I'm sorry."

Faven Xiet replied, "I don't care for apologizes."

I backed away. Avoiding their glares, I ran around the corner.

"What was that all about?" Thief of Space's voice echoed.

Faven's voice answered, "I don't know. But she was being a jerk."

Thief of Space's voice was annoyingly soothing. "Don't let her bother you too much," she whispered.

Silence took over, and I immediately pictured them kissing. Grossed out and depressed, I left.

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