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... Part 2

A factory has planted itself on a planet. This planet is told to hold resources, power, and food. As the factory begins to drill its way into the ground, a Battlestation is being launched into the sky. A screen turns on, and a face appears on the Battlestation screen.

"Imperial Commander, we need you."

The Commander, a young lady in a black suit, headed for the ship. She had knifes attached to her lose belt. She put on her headset.

"This is the Imperial Commander speaking, we are on our way."

As they left for the stars, the factories continued drilling into the planet. In only years from now, this place will be a gold mine. Fuel, food, riches, and elements will be found, sold, and reformed. It will cause a galactic fight for survival, and J'Hero Bro, Thief of Space, and Icefire will be caught in the midst.


"WHO ARE YOU AND WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?!" I pinned a Confederate spy against the wall. "ANSWER ME!" I threw my knife up to his throat. If he didn't answer, I would kill him. If he did, I'll kill him later.

"I won't tell you..."

I glared. "Last warning!" I felt a drop of hot blood fall on my hand. I was cutting him.


I pulled away the knife. "Confederate Commander Blaine. Of course..."

Fear crossed the alien's face. "Let me go!"

I smirked. Grabbing the knife, I slit his throat open. I didn't watch him fall down, and I walked off without looking back.

I stalked down the iron Battlestation to my cruiser. Blaine will never get away with this! How dare he send a spy into my station! I have to admit, I have never met Blaine face to face. I have only recieved hologram messages. Besides, those were sent by his supporters.

I glared. I pulled out my knife again and stared at my reflection in the blood. Splattered red liquid covered the sheath. I smirked. Smiling, I pulled the knife close to me. Having no rag or water to clean the knife, I slowly licked off the remaining blood.

I ran into the chambers, my crew was waiting. My top Second- in- Command was a 13 year old girl. She has red brown hair, green-red eyes, she has an atttude, and scars on her arms. Her name is North.

"Icefire!" I saw the familiar orange hair from up ahead. "We are receiving a communication!"

I rushed to the big screen, and nearly tripped over North's cyber wolf. It was a small wolf, but it was very tough. Almost as tough as North. He had robot wings and sharp teeth, but I'll admit he can be cute.

I leaped over to the screen and put on my headset. I pressed the green activation button and a face appeared on screen. It was my healer, Thief of Space. I had met her in a different dimension, and she turned out to be a fabulous help. I haven't seen J'Hero Bro in centuries, though. That upset me.

"Hey, Icefire." She waved, and her big white eyes gleamed. "I have some important news."

I crossed my arms. "What is it?"

She lost her smile. "The Confederacy sent us a transmission." Thief of Space tapped the screen, and a mysterious face took her place.

It was a dark cloaked face, his features were hidden by his hood. A deep voice came out of the figure. "Imperial Commander. I expect you will be attempting to take over the planet Quadrum?"

Icefire glared at him. "Of course. Why? Are you planning the same?"

The figure showed his sharp yellow teeth. "Of course..."

I smirked. "Your armies are light years away! We just happen to be right next door," I smiled and turned to face North. "North, set us for Quadrum!"

North nodded. "Yes maám." She whisked around and sat by the main computer. She began programming it.

"That land was given to me by my father! You will never take it away!" The confederate leader was glaring now.

"You mean the father I killed?" I asked proudly, showing off my knives.

"Oh snap," North laughed as she drove us into the planet. We were surrounded by silver clouds as we pulled in.

"How dare you disgrace my father's name?!" The commander growled and warned, "We are coming for you."

The screen went black.

"Hey, Icefire?"

"What is it, North?"

I saw her reflection in the blank screen. She seemed worried. "We... Um... There's something up ahead... On Quadum."

I walked up to the window. The planet was crawling with blinking red dots. Oh... No...

North tried to turn around. I felt tension rise as the lights blinked faster and faster. A slow beeping sound came from the planet.




They blinked so fast until the whole planet was a blur. "NORTH GET US OUT OF HERE!"

North screamed and tried to fly away fast. "I'M TRYING!" Our Battlestation whirled in circles-


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