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I was woken up by a clatter.



I shrugged, but got out of bed anyway. I walked over to my mirror and relaxed, brushing my hair.


I turned around quickly, but nobody was in my room. Then it happened again, and again.



I cautiously walked over to the door, and began opening it. A shadow was coming closer to my room. Frightened, I closed my door quietly.

But the sound kept coming closer, until it stopped altogether. I froze. Quickly, I transformed my night robe into my Imperial Commander outfit. I waited, silently.


The room exploded around me, and a black figure lunged at me. I hit my head against the wall, and I hit my attacker across the face. "STAY AWAY FROM ME!"

The man in black now had a red cheek. He pulled up his mask and pulled out a gun. He positioned it at me.

I screamed, "WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!"

He ignored me. Shoving the gun up against my neck, he spoke in a different language.

"Um..." I was sweating now. A gun wouldn't kill me, but this man acted as if it would. That frightened me. "Can you speak normally...? Please...?"

He pulled the gun away slowly.

I hurried for a reply. "Or at least my language..."

A gruff voice replied, "Xiet."

My eyes grew wider. "I-Is that your name?"

"Faven. Xiet."

I gulped. "C-Could you let me down? Please?"

The attacker, this 'Xiet,' wrapped his hand around my neck. He began to squeeze, and his grip became more tight.

"Please..." I gasped, "Let's talk this out like civilized people!"

He dropped me suddenly, and I fell to the ground. I rubbed my neck and looked up at him. He spoke loudly and firmly, "I am Faven Xiet. I am looking for some immortal known as 'Icefire.'"

I acted casual. "Well, I know Icefire. Are you here for... Business?"

He pointed the gun at me. "Where is she?"

I gulped. "W-Why do you want to know?"

Faven Xiet muttered, "Foolish mortal. Show me her!"

I gasped, "I don't know where she is this time of day!"

Faven Xiet grabbed my sleeve and yanked me up. "Find her. NOW!"

I pretended to be a worker. I lead the man throughout the main halls, then purposely brought him to the storage room. Hopefully I could dispose of him here until further notice. "This room leads us to Icefire's commons. It's dark in here, and there are several tunnels. After all, it's a secret to most of her workers."

Suddenly a barbed wire was stabbed into my back! Faven Xiet spun me around and pinned me against the wall. "DO YOU REALLY THINK I WOULD BE SO FOOLISH AS TO BELIEVE YOUR LIES?!"

I bit my lip. Oh dear... "I'm telling the TRUTH!"

He spread my legs apart and held me still. "Oh, I don't think so... Icefire. Your Imperial Commander uniform gives you away! I'm a god! An immortal! I can read minds! Do you think I would be so stupid? You were going to keep me in a STORAGE CLOSET!"

I gulped. Stupid, stupid uniform! Why didn't I keep it off? Then it occurred to me what he had said. "You are a god? You can read minds?" I paused. I only knew one person who could read minds.

Xiet didn't reply. He pressed a blinking metal stick against my throat.

I held my breath. "Faven... Xiet...? Is that really your name? Are you living a different life?"

He looked up at me. "What are you talking about?"

I spluttered for breath, "I know you!" I inhaled and screamed, "Thief of Space!"

Faven Xiet elbowed my in the stomach. "I'm going very easy on you, Icefire. Now, do as I say, and I might let you live."

I looked around wildly. "THIEF! HURRY!"

Faven Xiet covered my mouth. "Shut up!"

Without thinking, I relied on instinct and punched his face immediately. "Thief of Space!"

Faven Xiet lay on the floor, and in seconds he would regain conscience. I ripped off his goggles. Silver eyes... J'Hero Bro was back. A different life, but he needed his memory!

Footsteps echoed as Thief of Space ran downstairs. "I'm here! I'm here!" She froze when she saw the man. She ran at him furiously.

Faven Xiet got up and saw her running. He raised his gun. "BACK OFF, GIRL!"

But Thief had already punched him. She pushed him against the rails, kicked him repeatedly, and struck him with her magic.

Faven rolled on the floor, and hit a wall. Standing up, he faced Thief of Space. He punched the wall and ripped out a heap of the metal wall. He crunched it in his hands angrily. "I TOLD YOU TO-"

Thief of Space pushed him against the wall. Faven dropped his weapon and glared at her. Thief of Space glared back. "Y-You killed him..." she whispered hoarsely.

Faven Xiet gasped. His eyes widened.

Thief of Space looked confused, then their eyes met. She stared in shock.


Thief of Space began to cry, slowly at first, then all at once. She wiped away her tears and faced him. Her white eyes met his silver, and she embraced Faven Xiet in a hug. Thief of Space whispered into his ear, "I didn't know if you would come back, J'Hero Bro."

He pulled down his mask and stared blankly. "I'm not J'Hero Bro anymore. My name is Faven Xiet. You have returned my memory. Thank you." His burn was all over him! He was completely fried! But everything else about him was the same. His eyes, his smile, his hair, was all the same.

Thief of Space laughed with joy and put her hands gently on his face. "Your burn is..."

He nodded. "I know."

Thief of Space leaned forward, and gently pressed her lips against his.

I stared in shock.

Faven Xiet blushed under his scorched burns before returning the kiss.

I began to back away. This got awkward fast... Leaving them in their moment of memory and passion, I ran off.

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