9 | Unknown Memories

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Wait, Did I just hear that correctly? Was Eren's Father the one who destroyed the chapel and killed Mother and my other siblings?! 

Out of all the people I had a crush on, I had a crush on his son, Eren Yeager. How ironic. 

I looked up at Historia and Father and noticed Historia tearing up. I went up the steps and ran up to her.

"Are you okay, Historia?" I asked

"Why? Why did I forget about her? I was never alone. That woman was always there for me. She gave me books, taught me how to read and write, and she was always kind to me. How could I forget about her?" She mumbled

So that proves that Frieda actually was visiting Historia. Shit, why am I crying? I miss my old siblings that much.

"You met Frieda?" Father asked


"If you're remembering a young woman with long, black hair, it was most likely Frieda Reiss. She was your half-sister. She must have taken it on herself to visit you every now and then. If she erased your memories afterwards, it was only to protect you." Father explained

Wait, she can erase people's memories?! That's kinda cool. 

"She erased my memories?" Historia questioned

Father responded, "Yes, but touching your hand to him seems to have restored those memories."

I should probably tell Historia more about Frieda. She would definitely love to hear stories about her. 

3rd Person's Pov

"Um Father? Where is Frieda now? I'd like to say thank you. If she hadn't been there for me, I... I need to thank her for what she did for me. " Historia asked

After hearing that, Y/N looked away. She didn't want to get reminded even more about her family's death.

Rod Reiss recalled, "Frieda is no longer in this world. I used to have five other children other than Y/N. But five years ago, my wife and those five other children were killed by that boy's father, Grisha Yeager. Grisha possessed the power of the Titans. His motive remains a mystery, but he came here to steal the power the Reiss Family possessed. Grisha's goal was to forcefully take the power of the Titans that resided within Frieda. Frieda's Titan was superior to all other Titans. None could rival her strength. However, she lacked the experience necessary to wield that power. Unable to wield her strength, she was ultimately overwhelmed by Grisha, and he consumed her and her power. But he didn't stop there. He went to attack the rest of us. He wanted to eradicate the entire Reiss Family. First, he crushed fourteen year old Dirk and twelve year old Able with his hand. His next kick crushed my wife as she held ten year old Florian in her arms. Then, he took my eldest son Ulklin in his fist and pulverized him. Fortunately, Y/N hid behind one of the pillars. I once thought she was crushed along with Dirk and Able. But by some miracle, I alone managed to escape."

"That can't be... So she was... Why would he do such a terrible thing?"

Silence filled the room. But suddenly, Kenny went inside. 

"Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey! What are you guys doing having a leisurely chat up there? Don'tcha know what kind of shit's going down outside?" Kenny said.

"Kenny? What happened?" Rod Reiss asked

"The Survey Corps staged a coup d'etat and most of the military backed them up. THey outed the King as a fake and rounded up al the influential nobles. It qualifies as a royal shitshow. Only a matter of time till they show up here. You oughta finish up here quick." Kenny explained.

"Yes, all right. Please join the Personnel Suppression Squad at the entrance. I shouldn't have to tell you again that you and your men cannot be present for the ceremony."

"You alright, Your Highness? Did I make you mad?" Kenny queried

Silence once again filled the room but Kenny apologized, "Sorry 'bout that. I'm just worried about you."

"Kenny, I trust you. Go." Rod Reiss commanded

"Same to you, King Reiss." 


Author's Note

Omg the chapter where my choice would be in will almost be here omg sjbdkdnskam

But like, I somehow got a bad grade in my English hw. aNd IT wAd aBOUt cReaTiVe wRiTInG. LIKE BRUH, ISN'T THAT WHAT I'M BEST AT?!? DJBDJSNSKS

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