Chapter 61

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Patrick's POV:

After our amazing breakfast, Ellen and I made a real lunch, since the kids would be arriving shortly. Our hands were linked as we walked into the kitchen to make lunch. We decided to make some sandwiches. I made Ellen lettuce, tomato, and a ham sandwich while I made myself bacon, lettuce, and tomato sandwich.

We sat down at the kitchen table and embraced each other. The love of our lives sitting in front of us. Eating a normal lunch, being a family, of course, it wasn't a family without Kaylee here but it felt almost complete.

The whole time during lunch we talked about how we were going to have Talula meet Kaylee, a little bit of wedding planning, and our future.

Ellen finished her sandwich and drank the rest of her water. She folded her hands together and tucked them under her chin with her elbows on the table. Her emerald eyes stared right into mine. I set my glass on the table and mimicked her position. "What?", I said while tilting my head to the left.

She took a deep breath and smiled at me, "I just can't wait to be married to you and call you my husband.".

I reached my hands across the table and she placed her hands in mine. I rubbed my thumb on the top of her hand. I moved my thumb to her ring that was on her left hand. I looked at her and her attention was focused on her left hand and my thumb. I stopped rubbing my thumb and her eyes looked straight into mine. "I can't wait to be your wife and call you mine. And brag about you to everyone because you're my life. You're my everything.", I told her truthfully.

She let go of my hands and I loosened my grip with hers. She stood up and sat on the chair next to me. I turned to face her so all of my attention was on her. I once again placed my hands in hers and I leaned in to kiss her. She pulled away and smiled at me, "I want to get married now. Today.", she said.

My eyes widened in shock with what she just said. "Babe, we have the kids moving in with us today. Plus we have an amazing wedding planner that is perfecting our night. I think we can wait a few more weeks.", I said while leaning in for another kiss.

She pulled away again and sighed, "I know. I just love you so much that I don't want to spend another day not married to you."

"I know, love. Patience. Wait, baby.", I said while standing up and I kissed her forehead. I grabbed our plates and cups and I walked over to the sink to wash them. I felt Ellen's arms wrap around my waist and her kisses along the back of my neck. I rolled my eyes to the back of my head as I continued to wash the dishes.

I turned off the water and dried off my hands. I turned around and placed my hands on Ellen's hips and I pulled her in for another passionate kiss.

As we were kissing, the doorbell rang. I pulled away and placed my hands on her shoulders. "They're here.", I said.

Her eyes locked with mine, "They're here.".

I kissed her forehead and we walked to the front door and greeted Ron, Kristin, and my kids into the house. Talula started running around and started to check out the place. I grabbed Darby and Ellen had Sullivan. Ron and Kristin set their bags down and they said their goodbyes to their grandchildren. They left and it was just Ellen, the twins, and I with the sounds of Talula screaming and running around the house. I turned to look at Ellen and she had a smile on her face. "This is our new family.", I said.

"This is our new family, minus Kaylee, of course.", she said.

After everyone was settled in, Chyler dropped off Kaylee and Talula met her new baby sister. Talula was so in love with her she couldn't give a care in the world who the mother of the baby was. All she wanted to do was hold her and she did just that.

As the night kicked in, the twins and Kaylee were in bed and Talula was passed out on the couch. I picked Talula up and I walked upstairs to lay her down in her bed. I came downstairs and Ellen was barely awake, trying to pay attention to the T.V. I laid down next to her on the couch. She slowly laid her body on to mine. I kissed her forehead goodnight. "I love you so much, Ellen.".

She woke up to the sound of my voice, "I love you too, baby.", she said pulling herself off of me and she stood up. "Come on, let's go to bed.", she said sticking her hand out.

I placed my hand in hers and she pulled me off the couch and we walked hand in hand to our bedroom. We got all comfortable in bed and we spooned each other while falling asleep.

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