Chapter 52

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Ellen's POV:

I woke up at around 9 a.m. and I heard some banging coming from upstairs. I rolled over to find that Patrick was not laying next to me. I quickly got out of bed and went upstairs to see where the banging was coming from.

I walked into the baby girl's room and saw that Patrick was building the crib. I leaned against the door frame and crossed my arms and smiled at him. 

A few seconds later, he lifted his head up and wiped some sweat off of his face. He looked at the door frame and saw me standing there. "Sorry. Did I wake you?", he questioned.

"Yeah, kinda,", I said while yawning, "but it's okay.", I walked more into the room.

I wrapped my arms around his waist, or at least tried to since my bump was so huge. He tried to push me off of him but my grip around him was too tight for him to force off of him. "You know I'm kinda sweaty.".

"I don't care", I replied while rubbing my nose on his sweaty back.

We stayed like this for about 30 seconds until I got the sudden urge to make some eggs. "I'm going to make breakfast. Do you want something?", I asked.

"No need to. I already made you some breakfast. It's in the fridge. Enjoy.", he said smiling at me.

I unwrapped my arms around him and I turned him around, "Really, babe?", I said leaning in for a kiss.

"Yes, dear.", he said as he pulled away.

I walked out of the room and turned around, placing my hand on the door frame, and looked back at him. "I seriously don't deserve you.", I said with a smile on my face.

He looked up from nailing the last nail into the crib, "We deserve each other.", he said as a smile appeared on his face.

I winked at him as I walked downstairs to eat the breakfast that my fiancé made me.

I opened the fridge and saw the plate of bacon, eggs, and some fruit, with a note on top of the plastic wrap that read, "Good morning, my love. Enjoy this breakfast that I've made you. I love you."

I took the plate and grabbed a fork from the drawer and sat down at the table to eat breakfast.

I was almost done with the breakfast when I heard Patrick's footsteps walk down the stairs. He walked up to me and placed a kiss on my temple and then proceeded to grab water from the fridge. He closed the door of the fridge and came to sit down next to me. "How was breakfast?". he asked.

I laid the fork down on the table and turned to look at him, "Delicious.", I said as I leaned in to kiss his perfect lips.

We pulled away from the kiss, "Good. I'm glad to hear.", he said as a smile appeared on his face while he pushed some of my hair that was in my face behind my ear. 

He stood up and picked up the plate and put it in the sink. 

I stood up to go walk to the couch to watch the news. As I was about to sit down, I felt some liquid run down my leg. I placed my hand over my mouth and I screamed a little. I hunched over because my stomach started to hurt. 

"Ellen!", I heard Patrick scream my name. 

Patrick moved me over so I could sit on the couch, "I think my water just broke.". 

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